false zero

false zero
ложный нуль

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "false zero" в других словарях:

  • Zero tolerance — policies are studied in criminology and are common in formal and informal policing systems around the world.Fact|date=December 2007 The policies also appear in informal situations where there may be sexual harassment or Internet misuse in… …   Wikipedia

  • False precision — (also called overprecision, fake precision, misplaced precision and spurious accuracy) occurs when numerical data are presented in a manner that implies better precision than is actually the case; since precision is a limit to accuracy, this… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero-knowledge proof — In cryptography, a zero knowledge proof or zero knowledge protocol is an interactive method for one party to prove to another that a (usually mathematical) statement is true, without revealing anything other than the veracity of the statement.A… …   Wikipedia

  • False pretenses — For the films, see False Pretenses (film). Criminal law …   Wikipedia

  • False document — A false document is a literary technique employed to create verisimilitude in a work of fiction. By inventing and inserting documents that appear to be factual, an author tries to create a sense of authenticity beyond the normal and expected… …   Wikipedia

  • False position method — The false position method or regula falsi method is a term for problem solving methods in algebra and calculus. In simple terms, these methods begin by attempting to evaluate a problem using test ( false ) values for the variables, and then… …   Wikipedia

  • False protagonist — In fiction, a false protagonist is a technique for making a scene more jarring or a character more memorable by fooling the audience s preconceptions regarding who the story is really about. It involves presenting a character at the start of the… …   Wikipedia

  • False vacuum — In quantum field theory, a false vacuum is a metastable sector of space that appears to be a perturbative vacuum, but is unstable due to instanton effects that may tunnel to a lower energy state. This tunneling can be caused by quantum… …   Wikipedia

  • zero-bit insertion —    A technique used to achieve transparency in bit oriented protocols.    A zero is inserted into sequences of one bits that cause false flag direction. Also called bit stuffing …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • Evenness of zero — The number 0 is even. There are several ways to determine whether an integer is even or odd, all of which indicate that 0 is an even number: it is a multiple of 2, it is evenly divisible by 2, it is surrounded on both sides by odd integers, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Parity of zero — Zero objects, divided into two equal groups Zero is an even number. In other words, its parity the quality of an integer being even or odd is even. Zero fits the definition of even number : it is an integer multiple of 2, namely 0 × 2. As a… …   Wikipedia

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