- false drop
- ложный поиск (информации в ИПС) ошибочный поиск
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
False Drop — Wenig relevantes und daher unerwünschtes Ergebnis in einer Suchmaschine, z. B. wenn das gesuchte Wort zwar vorhanden ist, aber in einem völlig anderen Zusammenhang. Ein False Drop ist z.B. wenn die Suchanfrage nach Haus + Berlin Webseiten von… … SEO Wörterbuch
Drop Squad — Directed by David C. Johnson Produced by Butch Robinson Shelby Stone … Wikipedia
FALSE — FALSE эзотерический язык программирования, созданный в 1993 году Wouter van Oortmerssen ом с двумя, по его словам, целями: чтобы можно было написать компилятор для него размером не более одного килобайта. придумать синтаксис, который бы… … Википедия
Drop Dead Diva (season 3) — Drop Dead Diva Season 3 Country of origin USA No. of episodes 13 Broadcast Original channel Lifetime … Wikipedia
Drop Dead Diva — Titre original Drop Dead Diva Autres titres francophones Diva de l au delà ( Québec) Genre Série comique, fantastique Créateur(s) Josh Berman … Wikipédia en Français
Drop to His Death — (aka Fatal Descent) … Wikipedia
Drop Shot (novel) — Drop Shot is a murder mystery by Harlan Coben. It is the second novel featuring Myron Bolitar.It was published in 1996. Plot A young woman is shot in cold blood, her lifeless body dumped outside the stadium at the height of the US Open. At one… … Wikipedia
Drop kick — For other uses, see Drop kick (disambiguation). Not to be confused with dropkick. A drop kick is a type of kick in various codes of football. It involves a player dropping the ball and then kicking it when it bounces off the ground. It contrasts… … Wikipedia
Drop tank — A 330 US gallons (1,200 L) Sargent Fletcher drop tank being moved across the flight deck of an Aircraft carrier In aeronautics, a drop tank (external tank, wing tank, or belly tank) is used to describe auxiliary fuel tanks externally carried … Wikipedia
Drop Dead Diva — Seriendaten Deutscher Titel Drop Dead Diva Produktionsland Vereinigte Staaten … Deutsch Wikipedia
drop car — a vehicle used in an illegal enterprise And abandoned during the getaway: He described how he bought a drop car under a false name. (Evans Pritchard, 1997) … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms