false course
Смотреть что такое "false course" в других словарях:
False Decretals — • A name given to certain apocryphal papal letters contained in a collection of canon laws composed about the middle of the ninth century by an author who uses the pseudonym of Isidore Mercator, in the opening preface to the collection Catholic… … Catholic encyclopedia
False documentation — is the process of creating documents which record fictitious events. The documents can then be used to prove that the fictional events happened. A common propaganda tool, false documentation is often used by management groups and totalitarian… … Wikipedia
False imprisonment — is a tort, and possibly a crime, wherein a person is intentionally confined without legal authority.ElementsThe elements of the tort are: * Intent to confine another person against their will. In Australia, this element will be fulfilled if the… … Wikipedia
False Dmitry II — ( ru. Лжедимитрий II, other transliterations: Dmitriy, Dmitri, Dmitrii ), also called the rebel of Tushino , was the second of three pretenders to the Russian throne who claimed to be tsarevich Dmitry, the youngest son of Ivan the Terrible. The… … Wikipedia
Course in General Linguistics — (Cours de linguistique générale) is an influential book compiled by Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye that is based on notes taken from Ferdinand de Saussure s lectures at the University of Geneva between the years 1906 and 1911. It was… … Wikipedia
False Face Society — The False Face Society is the best known of many medicinal societies among the Iroquois. The society is best known for its dramatic wooden masks, the false faces. The masks are used in healing rituals which invoke spirits and a dream world. Those … Wikipedia
False pretenses — For the films, see False Pretenses (film). Criminal law … Wikipedia
False document — A false document is a literary technique employed to create verisimilitude in a work of fiction. By inventing and inserting documents that appear to be factual, an author tries to create a sense of authenticity beyond the normal and expected… … Wikipedia
False vacuum — In quantum field theory, a false vacuum is a metastable sector of space that appears to be a perturbative vacuum, but is unstable due to instanton effects that may tunnel to a lower energy state. This tunneling can be caused by quantum… … Wikipedia
False premise — A false premise is an incorrect proposition that forms the basis of a logical syllogism . Since the premise (proposition, or assumption) is not correct, the conclusion drawn may be in error. It is important to note, however, that the logical… … Wikipedia
Course of the Klamath River — The Klamath River is a river in southern Oregon and northern California in the United States. This article describes its course. Contents 1 Oregon 2 Far northern California 3 Weitchpec to mouth … Wikipedia