- fallout meter
- измеритель интенсивности излучения радиоактивных осадков
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Kearny Fallout Meter — The Kearny Fallout Meter or KFM is an expedient radiation meter designed to be able to be constructed immediately before or during a nuclear attack by someone with a normal mechanical ability and from common household items. It also is a science… … Wikipedia
Fallout shelter — A sign pointing to an old fallout shelter in New York City. Nuclear weapons … Wikipedia
Fallout 3 — Entwickler … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fixed Survey Meter — The Fixed Survey Meter was a specialist detection instrument used by the Royal Observer Corps during the Cold War between 1958 and 1982 to detect ionising radiation from nuclear fallout generated by a ground burst. [… … Wikipedia
Civil Defense geiger counters — Most Civil Defense Geiger Counters and ion chamber survey meters were issued by the governmental Civil Defense organizations in several countries from the 1950s in the midst of the Cold War in an effort to help prepare citizens for a nuclear… … Wikipedia
Измеритель радиоактивности Кирни — (ИРК) (англ. Kearny Fallout Meter (KFM)) электростатический прибор для измерения мощности ионизирующего гамма излучения в диапазоне от 3 мР/ч до 43 Р/ч с точностью ±25 %. Этот прибор также применяется для демонстрации эффекта… … Википедия
Ionizing radiation — consists of highly energetic particles or waves that can detach (ionize) at least one electron from an atom or molecule. Ionizing ability depends on the energy of the impinging individual particles or waves, and not on their number. A large flood … Wikipedia
Cresson Kearny — Cresson Henry Kearny (pronounced /ˈkɑrni/; January 7, 1914(1914 01 07) December 18, 2003(2003 12 18))[1] wrote several survival related books based primarily on research performed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Contents 1 Career … Wikipedia
Nuclear War Survival Skills — or NWSS by Cresson Kearny is a civil defense manual. It contains information gleaned from research performed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory during the Cold War, as well as from Kearny s extensive jungle living and international travels. The… … Wikipedia
Kearny Air Pump — The Kearny Air Pump is an expedient air pump used to ventillate a shelter. The design is such that a person with normal mechanical skills can construct and operate one. It is usually human powered and employed during a time of crisis. It was… … Wikipedia
KFM — can refer to:* Kearny Fallout Meter – An expedient radiation meter, that can be made from household items. * The Kentucky Fried Movie * Keysi Fighting Method – A martial art with roots in Jeet Kun Do, Wing Chun, and street fighting. * Knights of… … Wikipedia