Смотреть что такое "fall-trap" в других словарях:
fall trap — fall trap, a trap which operates by falling, such as a deadfall … Useful english dictionary
fall-trap — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : a trap with a door or a weight that falls upon the victim * * * fallˈ trap noun A trap that operates by causing the victim to fall • • • Main Entry: ↑fall … Useful english dictionary
trap — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. pitfall, snare, net, deadfall; ambush; carriage; trapdoor; ( pl.) equipment, luggage. v. catch, entrap, [en]snare, net, enmesh, fool, ambush. See deception, vehicle. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A device to … English dictionary for students
fall into the trap of doing something — fall into the trap of (doing something) to become involved in something. Don t fall into the trap of deciding to buy a more expensive house than you can afford because someone says it is a good investment … New idioms dictionary
fall into the trap of — (doing something) to become involved in something. Don t fall into the trap of deciding to buy a more expensive house than you can afford because someone says it is a good investment … New idioms dictionary
trap — trap1 [trap] n. [ME trappe < OE træppe, akin to treppan, to step, Ger treppe, stairway < IE * dreb , to run, step, trip (var. of base * drā ) > Pol drabina, ladder] 1. any device for catching animals, as one that snaps shut tightly when… … English World dictionary
Trap — Trap, n. [OE. trappe, AS. treppe; akin to OD. trappe, OHG. trapo; probably fr. the root of E. tramp, as that which is trod upon: cf. F. trappe, which is trod upon: cf. F. trappe, which perhaps influenced the English word.] 1. A machine or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Trap stairs — Trap Trap, n. [OE. trappe, AS. treppe; akin to OD. trappe, OHG. trapo; probably fr. the root of E. tramp, as that which is trod upon: cf. F. trappe, which is trod upon: cf. F. trappe, which perhaps influenced the English word.] 1. A machine or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Trap tree — Trap Trap, n. [OE. trappe, AS. treppe; akin to OD. trappe, OHG. trapo; probably fr. the root of E. tramp, as that which is trod upon: cf. F. trappe, which is trod upon: cf. F. trappe, which perhaps influenced the English word.] 1. A machine or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
trap — trap1 [træp] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(for animals)¦ 2¦(clever trick)¦ 3¦(bad situation)¦ 4 fall into/avoid the trap of doing something 5 keep your trap shut 6 shut your trap! 7¦(vehicle)¦ 8¦(sport)¦ 9¦(dog race)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [ … Dictionary of contemporary English
trap — 1 noun (C) 1 FOR ANIMALS a piece of equipment for catching animals: a mouse caught in a trap | set a trap (=prepare it) see also: mousetrap 2 BAD SITUATION an unpleasant or difficult situation that is difficult to escape from: Amanda felt that… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English