- fall under
1) подвергаться
2) подпадать to fall under item 26 ≈ подпадать под действие раздела 26 Syn : belong under, bring under
2) , come under
1) , come within, fall into
3) , go under
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
fall under — verb be included in or classified as This falls under the rubric various • Syn: ↑fall into • Hypernyms: ↑constitute, ↑represent, ↑make up, ↑comprise, ↑be … Useful english dictionary
fall under — verb To belong to for purposes of categorization. The botany handbooks in the library fall under Plant Biology … Wiktionary
fall under — phr verb Fall under is used with these nouns as the object: ↑domination, ↑heading, ↑influence, ↑spell, ↑suspicion, ↑train … Collocations dictionary
fall under someone's influence — fall under someone’s influence/sway/ phrase to be strongly influenced by someone Thesaurus: not free or independentsynonym Main entry: fall … Useful english dictionary
fall under someone's sway — fall under someone’s influence/sway/ phrase to be strongly influenced by someone Thesaurus: not free or independentsynonym Main entry: fall … Useful english dictionary
fall under — 1. Come under, be subject to, be subjected to. 2. Be classed with, be reckoned with, be included in … New dictionary of synonyms
To fall under — Fall Fall (f[add]l), v. i. [imp. {Fell} (f[e^]l); p. p. {Fallen} (f[add]l n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Falling}.] [AS. feallan; akin to D. vallen, OS. & OHG. fallan, G. fallen, Icel. Falla, Sw. falla, Dan. falde, Lith. pulti, L. fallere to deceive, Gr.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fall under — be included in, be classed as … English contemporary dictionary
Fall — (f[add]l), v. i. [imp. {Fell} (f[e^]l); p. p. {Fallen} (f[add]l n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Falling}.] [AS. feallan; akin to D. vallen, OS. & OHG. fallan, G. fallen, Icel. Falla, Sw. falla, Dan. falde, Lith. pulti, L. fallere to deceive, Gr. sfa llein… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fall — [fôl] vi. fell, fallen, falling [ME fallen < OE feallan, to fall, akin to Ger fallen < IE base * phol , to fall > Lith púolu, to fall] I to come down by the force of gravity; drop; descend 1. to come down because detached, pushed,… … English World dictionary
fall — I n. dropping, coming down 1) to have, take a fall 2) to break a fall 3) a bad, nasty fall (she had a bad fall and broke her ankle) 4) a free fall (of a parachutist) 5) a fall from (a fall from a horse) autumn (AE) 6) an early; late fall 7) in… … Combinatory dictionary