fall on deaf ears
Смотреть что такое "fall on deaf ears" в других словарях:
fall on deaf ears — (of a remark, request, etc) to be ignored • • • Main Entry: ↑ear * * * fall on deaf ears phrase if something such as a warning, a request, or an attempt to change someone’s attitude falls on deaf ears, it is completely ignored by the person who… … Useful english dictionary
fall on deaf ears — ► fall on deaf ears be ignored. Main Entry: ↑deaf … English terms dictionary
fall on deaf ears — talk to people who will not listen, really deaf If you talk to the workers about management s problems, your message will fall on deaf ears … English idioms
fall on deaf ears — if a request or advice falls on deaf ears, people ignore it. Appeals to release the hostages fell on deaf ears. Warnings that sunbathing can lead to skin cancer have largely fallen on deaf ears in Britain … New idioms dictionary
fall on deaf ears — If something you say falls on deaf ears, it is either ignored or attracts no attention. Her warning about the need to repair the roof fell on deaf ears … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
fall on deaf ears — verb Of a request, complaint, etc, to be ignored. Every time I ask him to do something for me, it falls on deaf ears. Syn: go in one ear and out the other … Wiktionary
fall on deaf ears — if something such as a warning, a request, or an attempt to change someone s attitude falls on deaf ears, it is completely ignored by the person who hears it … English dictionary
fall on deaf ears — be ignored. → deaf … English new terms dictionary
The Fall on Deaf Ears — was a musical group from El Paso most notable for featuring Cedric Bixler Zavala of At the Drive In and The Mars Volta, who played drums, Clint Newsom of Rhythm of Black Lines and The Hades Kick on guitar. The Fall on Deaf Ears played in the post … Wikipedia
fall on deaf ears — not be responded to, be ignored or disregarded, be passed without receiving attention … English contemporary dictionary
fall on deaf ears — idi to be disregarded; pass unheeded … From formal English to slang