fall in price
Смотреть что такое "fall in price" в других словарях:
fall-back price — / fɔ:l bæk ˌpraɪs/ noun the lowest price which a seller will accept ● The buyer tries to guess the seller’s fall back price. ● The fall back price must not be any lower or there won’t be any profit in the deal … Marketing dictionary in english
fall-back price — See Common Agricultural Policy … Big dictionary of business and management
Fall — Fall, v. t. 1. To let fall; to drop. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] For every tear he falls, a Trojan bleeds. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To sink; to depress; as, to fall the voice. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] 3. To diminish; to lessen or lower. [Obs.] [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Price elasticity of demand — Not to be confused with Price elasticity of supply. PED is derived from the percentage change in quantity (%ΔQd) and percentage change in price (%ΔP). Price elasticity of demand (PED or Ed) is a measure used in economics to show the… … Wikipedia
price — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ exorbitant, high, inflated, prohibitive, steep ▪ They charge exorbitant prices for their goods. ▪ The price of fuel is prohibitive … Collocations dictionary
price — A fixed value of something. Prices are usually expressed in monetary terms. In a free market, prices are set as a result of the interaction of supply and demand in a market; when demand for a product increases and supply remains constant, the… … Financial and business terms
fall — Synonyms and related words: Niagara, Scotch mist, Waterloo, abate, abatement, ablate, accept, apostasy, ascend, assail, assault, associate with, attack, autumn, backslide, backsliding, bag, bank, bate, be destroyed, be eaten away, be found, be… … Moby Thesaurus
Price's Raid — Price s Missouri Expedition, known popularly as Price s Raid, was an 1864 Confederate cavalry raid through the Trans Mississippi Theater in the American Civil War. Major General Sterling Price fought numerous battles in Missouri and Kansas before … Wikipedia
Fall — (f[add]l), v. i. [imp. {Fell} (f[e^]l); p. p. {Fallen} (f[add]l n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Falling}.] [AS. feallan; akin to D. vallen, OS. & OHG. fallan, G. fallen, Icel. Falla, Sw. falla, Dan. falde, Lith. pulti, L. fallere to deceive, Gr. sfa llein… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Price point — Price points are prices at which demand is relatively high. In introductory microeconomics, a demand curve is downward sloping to the right and either linear or gently convex to the origin. The first is usually true, but the second is only… … Wikipedia
fall — [fôl] vi. fell, fallen, falling [ME fallen < OE feallan, to fall, akin to Ger fallen < IE base * phol , to fall > Lith púolu, to fall] I to come down by the force of gravity; drop; descend 1. to come down because detached, pushed,… … English World dictionary