fall asleep
Смотреть что такое "fall asleep" в других словарях:
fall asleep — verb change from a waking to a sleeping state (Freq. 8) he always falls asleep during lectures • Syn: ↑dope off, ↑flake out, ↑drift off, ↑nod off, ↑drop off, ↑doze off, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
fall asleep — begin to sleep, drop off Don t fall asleep while we re in church. It s embarrassing … English idioms
fall asleep — verb a) To pass from a state of wakefulness into sleep. John Doe, fell asleep 1 January 2001. b) To die Syn: drift off, drop off, go to sleep … Wiktionary
fall asleep — to die The common sleeping imagery: ... fell asleep in Jesus... of enteric fever in Mesopotamia, (memorial in West Monkton church, Somerset) … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
fall asleep — I almost fell asleep at work Syn: doze off, drop off, go to sleep; informal nod off, go off, drift off, crash, conk out, go out like a light, sack out … Thesaurus of popular words
fall asleep at the switch — be asleep at the switch if someone is asleep at the switch, they are not ready to act quickly to avoid problems and do their job well. The Party was simply too confident of victory and fell asleep at the switch … New idioms dictionary
fall asleep at the switch — {v. phr.} To fail to perform an expected task; be remiss in one s duty. * /The two airplanes wouldn t have collided, if the control tower operator hadn t fallen asleep at the switch./ * /The dean promised our department $250,000 but the… … Dictionary of American idioms
fall asleep at the switch — {v. phr.} To fail to perform an expected task; be remiss in one s duty. * /The two airplanes wouldn t have collided, if the control tower operator hadn t fallen asleep at the switch./ * /The dean promised our department $250,000 but the… … Dictionary of American idioms
fall\ asleep\ at\ the\ switch — v. phr. To fail to perform an expected task; be remiss in one s duty. The two airplanes wouldn t have collided, if the control tower operator hadn t fallen asleep at the switch. The dean promised our department $250,000 but the foundation never… … Словарь американских идиом
fall asleep — (Roget s IV) v. Syn. go to sleep, doze, drop off*; see sleep … English dictionary for students
fall asleep — Meaning Euphemism for death. Origin … Meaning and origin of phrases