Смотреть что такое "fairytale" в других словарях:
Fairytale — «Fairytale» Сингл Александра Рыбака из альбома Fairytal … Википедия
Fairytale — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Fairytale» Sencillo de Alexander Rybak del álbum Fairytales Publicación … Wikipedia Español
Fairytale — Alexander Rybak Veröffentlichung 12. Januar 2009 Länge 3:03 Genre(s) Pop, Folk Autor(en) Alexander Rybak … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fairytale — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Fairytale ou fairy tale (conte) peut faire référence à : Fairytale, un album de Donovan ; Fairytale, un album de Constance Amiot ;… … Wikipédia en Français
fairytale — fai|ry|tale [ˈfeəriteıl US ˈferi ] adj [only before noun] extremely happy, lucky etc in a way that usually only happens in children s stories ▪ a fairytale romance ▪ The kiss was a fairytale ending to the evening … Dictionary of contemporary English
fairytale — noun 1. a story about fairies; told to amuse children (Freq. 3) • Syn: ↑fairy tale, ↑fairy story • Members of this Topic: ↑Bluebeard • Hypernyms: ↑narrative, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
fairytale — fair|y|tale [ feri,teıl ] adjective extremely good, beautiful, or happy: a fairytale romance … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
fairytale — adjective (only before noun) extremely happy, lucky etc in a way that usually only happens in children s stories: a fairytale romance … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
fairytale — UK [ˈfeərɪˌteɪl] / US [ˈferɪˌteɪl] adjective extremely good, beautiful, or happy a fairytale romance … English dictionary
fairytale — [ˈfeəriˌteɪl] adj extremely good, beautiful, or happy a fairytale romance[/ex] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
fairytale — /ˈfɛəriteɪl / (say fairreetayl) noun 1. a traditional story, usually involving magical happenings, as told to children. 2. a statement or account of something imaginary or incredible. 3. a lie; fabrication. –adjective 4. relating to or likely to… …