Смотреть что такое "fair-trade" в других словарях:
fair-trade — fair trader, n. /fair trayd /, v., fair traded, fair trading, adj. (formerly) v.t. 1. to sell (a commodity) under a fair trade agreement. v.i. 2. to sell a commodity under a fair trade agreement. adj. 3. subject to or resulting from a fair trade… … Universalium
fair trade — ➔ trade1 * * * fair trade UK US (also fairtrade) noun [U] ► SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY a system of trading with a developing country in which a good price is paid for their exports, and the people who produce the goods have good working conditions and … Financial and business terms
fair–trade — vt: to market (a commodity) in compliance with the provisions of a fair trade agreement fair trade n fair trader n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
fair-trade — fair′ trade′ v. trad•ed, trad•ing, adj. 1) bus to sell (a commodity) under a fair trade agreement 2) bus subject to or resulting from a fair trade agreement • Etymology: 1940–45 fair′ trad′er, n … From formal English to slang
fair trade — fair′ trade′ n. bus trade carried on under a fair trade agreement … From formal English to slang
fair-trade — ● fair trade nom masculin (anglais fair, loyal, et trade, commerce) Doctrine préconisant d appliquer aux échanges commerciaux avec chaque pays étranger le régime utilisé par celui ci … Encyclopédie Universelle
Fair Trade — [ fɛə treid] der; [s] (gewöhnl. ohne Artikel gebraucht) <aus engl. fair trade »fairer Handel«> Handel mit Produkten der Dritten Welt zu fairen Bedingungen für die Hersteller … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
fair-trade — ☆ fair trade [fer′trād′] adj. designating or of an agreement whereby a seller undertakes to charge no less than the minimum price set by a manufacturer on a specified trademarked or brand name commodity: most U.S. states no longer permit such… … English World dictionary
fair trade — trade carried on under a fair trade agreement. [1715 25] * * * … Universalium
Fair trade — For other uses, see Fair trade (disambiguation). Fair trade is an organized social movement and market based approach that aims to help producers in developing countries make better trading conditions and promote sustainability. The movement… … Wikipedia
Fair Trade — Zertifizierte Produzenten von fair gehandeltem Quinoa in Ecuador Als Fairer Handel wird ein kontrollierter Handel bezeichnet, bei dem die Preise für die gehandelten Produkte üblicherweise über dem jeweiligen Weltmarktpreis angesetzt werden. Damit … Deutsch Wikipedia