fair cop

fair cop
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fair cop" в других словарях:

  • fair cop — Noun. 1. A legitimate arrest. Often tongue in cheek use in expressions such as it s a fair cop, guv . Orig. Underworld. Late 1800s 2. A situation or event that is seen as deserved or justified …   English slang and colloquialisms

  • Fair cop — 1. just sentence; 2. discovery of a wrongdoer in the act or with their guilt apparent …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • fair cop — Australian Slang 1. just sentence; 2. discovery of a wrongdoer in the act or with their guilt apparent …   English dialects glossary

  • fair cop —  Justifiable arrest …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • it's a fair cop — it’s a fair cop british informal phrase used for admitting that you have done something wrong Thesaurus: ways of admitting somethingsynonym Main entry: cop * * * I see fair I …   Useful english dictionary

  • it's a fair cop Brit. — it s a fair cop Brit. informal an admission that the speaker has been caught doing wrong and deserves punishment. → fair …   English new terms dictionary

  • it's a fair cop — ► it s a fair cop informal an admission that the speaker has been caught doing wrong and deserves punishment. Main Entry: ↑fair …   English terms dictionary

  • It's a fair cop. — British & Australian, very informal something that you say in order to admit that someone has caught you doing something wrong. It s a fair cop. I was driving way too fast …   New idioms dictionary

  • fair — Ⅰ. fair [1] ► ADJECTIVE 1) just or appropriate in the circumstances. 2) treating people equally. 3) considerable in size or amount. 4) moderately good. 5) (of hair or complexion) light; blonde. 6) (of weather) f …   English terms dictionary

  • cop — I. /kɒp / (say kop) Colloquial –noun 1. a police officer. 2. → silent cop. 3. an arrest; a state of being caught. 4. payment. –verb (t) (copped, copping) 5. to steal. 6. to receive in payment. 7. to accept resignedly; put up with: would you cop a …  

  • fair — fair1 W2S1 [feə US fer] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(reasonable and acceptable)¦ 2¦(treating everyone equally)¦ 3¦(quite large)¦ 4¦(hair/skin)¦ 5¦(according to the rules)¦ 6¦(level of ability)¦ 7¦(weather)¦ 8 have had more than your fair share of something 9… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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