failure performance
Смотреть что такое "failure performance" в других словарях:
performance — [n1] accomplishment achievement, act, administration, attainment, carrying out, completion, conduct, consummation, discharge, doing, enforcement, execution, exploit, feat, fruition, fulfillment, pursuance, realization, work; concept 706 Ant.… … New thesaurus
Performance measurement — with a process is the complement to process execution. Based on measured performance, the feedback control loop may be closed. The metrics to assess performance is set according to a determined econometric model. The expected best result is… … Wikipedia
Failure analysis — is the process of collecting and analyzing data to determine the cause of a failure. It is an important discipline in many branches of manufacturing industry, such as the electronics industry, where it is a vital tool used in the development of… … Wikipedia
failure — fail·ure n 1: omission of occurrence or performance; specif: a failing to perform a duty or expected action a failure to mitigate damages failure to prosecute 2: a lack of success or adequacy failure of a suit 3: a failing in business … Law dictionary
failure of consideration — failure of consideration: the neglect, refusal, or failure of a party to a contract to perform as promised or furnish the consideration promised; also: the extinguishment of the consideration or of the worth of the consideration promised Merriam… … Law dictionary
performance liquidated damages — USA buy down liquidated damages, Also known as performance liquidated damages. As used in project finance, a payment by a contractor to a project owner to reflect future cash flow losses resulting from the ongoing under performance of a project… … Law dictionary
performance — The fulfillment or accomplishment of a promise, contract, or other obligation according to its terms, relieving such person of all further obligation or liability thereunder. See also execute execution part performance payment; substantial… … Black's law dictionary
Failure mode and effects analysis — A failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) is a procedure for analysis of potential failure modes within a system for classification by severity or determination of the effect of failures on the system. It is widely used in manufacturing… … Wikipedia
Performance engineering — Within systems engineering, performance engineering encompasses the set of roles, skills, activities, practices, tools, and deliverables applied at every phase of the Systems Development Lifecycle which ensures that a solution will be designed,… … Wikipedia
Failure transparency — In a distributed system, failure transparency refers to the extent to which errors and subsequent recoveries of hosts and services within the system are invisible to users and applications.huh For example, if a server fails, but users are… … Wikipedia
failure — noun 1 lack of success ADJECTIVE ▪ complete, total ▪ abject, humiliating ▪ The attempt ended in abject failure. ▪ inevitable … Collocations dictionary