fail to deliver
Смотреть что такое "fail to deliver" в других словарях:
fail — [v1] be unsuccessful abort, backslide, back wrong horse*, be defeated, be demoted, be found lacking*, be in vain*, be ruined, blunder, break down, come to naught, come to nothing, decline, deteriorate, fall, fall flat*, fall short*, fall through* … New thesaurus
Fail — A trade is said to fail if on settlement date either the seller fails to deliver securities in proper form or the buyer fails to deliver funds in proper form. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * fail fail [feɪl] verb 1. [intransitive]… … Financial and business terms
fail — The event of a securities purchase or sale transaction not settling as intended by the parties. American Banker Glossary A deal is said to fail if on the settlement date either the seller does not deliver securities in proper form or the buyer… … Financial and business terms
Fail — In common trading terms, if a seller does not deliver securities or a buyer does not pay owed funds by the settlement date, then the transaction is said to fail. In a stock exchange, this occurs if a stockbroker does not deliver or receive… … Investment dictionary
deliver the goods — verb attain success or reach a desired goal The enterprise succeeded We succeeded in getting tickets to the show she struggled to overcome her handicap and won • Syn: ↑succeed, ↑win, ↑come through, ↑bring home the bacon … Useful english dictionary
fail — I. verb Etymology: Middle English failen, from Anglo French faillir, from Vulgar Latin *fallire, alteration of Latin fallere to deceive, disappoint Date: 13th century intransitive verb 1. a. to lose strength ; weaken < her health was fail … New Collegiate Dictionary
fail — /fayl/, v.i. 1. to fall short of success or achievement in something expected, attempted, desired, or approved: The experiment failed because of poor planning. 2. to receive less than the passing grade or mark in an examination, class, or course… … Universalium
fail — [[t]feɪl[/t]] v. i. 1) to fall short of success or achievement in something expected, attempted, desired, or approved: The experiment failed[/ex] 2) to receive less than the passing grade or mark in an examination, class, or course of study 3) to … From formal English to slang
Aged Fail — A fail that has occurred between two or more parties to a securities transactions and has lasted for over 30 days. Aged fails generally occur between firms and clearing houses; they are rarely seen between individual investors. According to SEC… … Investment dictionary
Срыв поставки — (FAIL TO DELIVER) ситуация, в которой брокер продавца не может перевести проданные ценные бумаги брокеру покупателя до даты расчета … Финансовый глоссарий
Naked short selling — Schematic representation of naked short selling in two steps. The short seller sells shares without owning them. He then purchases and delivers the shares for a different market price. If the short seller cannot afford the shares in the second… … Wikipedia