fading tube
Смотреть что такое "fading tube" в других словарях:
radio — /ray dee oh /, n., pl. radios, adj., v., radioed, radioing. n. 1. wireless telegraphy or telephony: speeches broadcast by radio. 2. an apparatus for receiving or transmitting radio broadcasts. 3. a message transmitted by radio. adj. 4. pertaining … Universalium
radiation measurement — ▪ technology Introduction technique for detecting the intensity and characteristics of ionizing radiation, such as alpha, beta, and gamma rays or neutrons, for the purpose of measurement. The term ionizing radiation refers to those… … Universalium
Oscilloscope types — This is a subdivision of the Oscilloscope article, discussing the various types and models of oscilloscopes in greater detail. Contents 1 Cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) 1.1 Dual beam oscilloscope 2 Analog storage oscilloscope … Wikipedia
List of Emily Dickinson poems — This is a list of Emily Dickinson poems. There are 1,775 known poems that have been written by Dickinson. The poems are alphabetized by their first line. Punctuation, capitalization and even in some cases wording of the first lines may vary… … Wikipedia
Christmas lighting technology — has been subject to considerable development and variation since the replacement of candles by electric lights. Contents 1 Incandescent Christmas Lights 2 LEDs 3 Fiber optic lights 4 B … Wikipedia
Scientific phenomena named after people — This is a list of scientific phenomena and concepts named after people (eponymous phenomena). For other lists of eponyms, see eponym. NOTOC A* Abderhalden ninhydrin reaction Emil Abderhalden * Abney effect, Abney s law of additivity William de… … Wikipedia
Doorways in the Sand — … Wikipedia
Chromatron — The Chromatron is a color television cathode ray tube design invented by Nobel prize winner Ernest Lawrence and developed commercially by Sony, Litton Industries and others. The Chromatron offered brighter images than conventional color… … Wikipedia
History of radar — The history of radar starts with experiments by Heinrich Hertz in the late 19th century that showed that radio waves were reflected by metallic objects. This possibility was suggested in James Clerk Maxwell s seminal work on electromagnetism.… … Wikipedia
Functionalism (philosophy of mind) — Functionalism is a theory of the mind in contemporary philosophy, developed largely as an alternative to both the identity theory of mind and behaviourism. Its core idea is that mental states (beliefs, desires, being in pain, etc.) are… … Wikipedia
Color photography — Color film redirects here. For the motion picture equivalent, see Color motion picture film. A circa 1850 Hillotype photograph of a colored engraving. Long believed to be a complete fraud, recent testing found that Levi Hill s process did… … Wikipedia