factorization criterion
Смотреть что такое "factorization criterion" в других словарях:
Sufficient statistic — In statistics, a sufficient statistic is a statistic which has the property of sufficiency with respect to a statistical model and its associated unknown parameter, meaning that no other statistic which can be calculated from the same sample… … Wikipedia
Sufficiency (statistics) — In statistics, sufficiency is the property possessed by a statistic, with respect to a parameter, when no other statistic which can be calculated from the same sample provides any additional information as to the value of the parameter cite… … Wikipedia
Fisher information — In statistics and information theory, the Fisher information (denoted mathcal{I}( heta)) is the variance of the score. It is named in honor of its inventor, the statistician R.A. Fisher.DefinitionThe Fisher information is a way of measuring the… … Wikipedia
Quadratic residue — In number theory, an integer q is called a quadratic residue modulo n if it is congruent to a perfect square modulo n; i.e., if there exists an integer x such that: Otherwise, q is called a quadratic nonresidue modulo n. Originally an abstract… … Wikipedia
Irreducible polynomial — In mathematics, the adjective irreducible means that an object cannot be expressed as a product of at least two non trivial factors in a given set. See also factorization. For any field F , the ring of polynomials with coefficients in F is… … Wikipedia
Positive-definite matrix — In linear algebra, a positive definite matrix is a matrix that in many ways is analogous to a positive real number. The notion is closely related to a positive definite symmetric bilinear form (or a sesquilinear form in the complex case). The… … Wikipedia
Jacobi symbol — The Jacobi symbol is a generalization of the Legendre symbol introduced by Jacobi in 1837 [C.G.J.Jacobi Uber die Kreisteilung und ihre Anwendung auf die Zahlentheorie , Bericht Ak. Wiss. Berlin (1837) pp 127 136] . It is of theoretical interest… … Wikipedia
Cipolla's algorithm — In computational number theory, Cipolla s algorithm is a technique for solving a congruence of the form x2 = n, where , so n is the square of x, and where p is an odd prime. Here denotes the finite field with p elements; . Th … Wikipedia
List of algorithms — The following is a list of the algorithms described in Wikipedia. See also the list of data structures, list of algorithm general topics and list of terms relating to algorithms and data structures.If you intend to describe a new algorithm,… … Wikipedia
List of number theory topics — This is a list of number theory topics, by Wikipedia page. See also List of recreational number theory topics Topics in cryptography Contents 1 Factors 2 Fractions 3 Modular arithmetic … Wikipedia
Cycle detection — This article is about iterated functions. For another use, see Cycle detection (graph theory). In computer science, cycle detection is the algorithmic problem of finding a cycle in a sequence of iterated function values. For any function ƒ that… … Wikipedia