factorial test
Смотреть что такое "factorial test" в других словарях:
Student's t-test — A t test is any statistical hypothesis test in which the test statistic follows a Student s t distribution if the null hypothesis is supported. It is most commonly applied when the test statistic would follow a normal distribution if the value of … Wikipedia
Chi-squared test — Chi square test is often shorthand for Pearson s chi square test. A chi square test, also referred to as chi squared test or χ2 test, is any statistical hypothesis test in which the sampling distribution of the test statistic is a chi square… … Wikipedia
Pearson's chi-squared test — (χ2) is the best known of several chi squared tests – statistical procedures whose results are evaluated by reference to the chi squared distribution. Its properties were first investigated by Karl Pearson in 1900.[1] In contexts where it is… … Wikipedia
Gold standard (test) — For other uses, see Gold standard (disambiguation). In medicine and statistics, gold standard test refers to a diagnostic test or benchmark that is the best available under reasonable conditions. It does not have to be necessarily the best… … Wikipedia
Cochran's C test — In statistics, Cochran s C test [1], named after William G. Cochran, is a one sided upper limit variance outlier test. The C test is used to decide if a single estimate of a variance (or a standard deviation) is significantly larger than a group… … Wikipedia
Fisher's exact test — is a statistical significance test used in the analysis of categorical data where sample sizes are small. It is named after its inventor, R. A. Fisher, and is one of a class of exact tests. Fisher devised the test following a comment from Muriel… … Wikipedia
Logrank test — In statistics, the logrank test is a hypothesis test to compare the survival distributions of two samples. It is a nonparametric test and appropriate to use when the data are right skewed and censored (technically, the censoring must be non… … Wikipedia
Mauchly's sphericity test — is a statistical test used to validate repeated measures factor ANOVAs. The test was introduced by ENIAC co inventor John Mauchly in 1940.[1] Contents 1 What is sphericity? 2 Formulation of the test … Wikipedia
Scheirer-Ray-Hare-Test — Der Scheirer Ray Hare Test oder SRH Test ist ein statistischer Test, mit dem untersucht werden kann, ob eine Messgröße durch zwei oder mehr Faktoren beeinflusst wird. Da er keine Normalverteilung der Daten voraussetzt, zählt er zu den nicht… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kruskal-Wallis-Test — Der Kruskal Wallis Test (nach William Kruskal und Wilson Allen Wallis; auch H Test) ist ein parameterfreier statistischer Test, mit dem im Rahmen einer Varianzanalyse getestet wird, ob unabhängige Stichproben (Gruppen oder Messreihen)… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Validez (psicometría) — En el campo de la psicometría, la validez es un concepto que hace referencia a la capacidad de un instrumento de medición para cuantificar de forma significativa y adecuada el rasgo para cuya medición ha sido diseñado. De esta forma, un… … Wikipedia Español