factor structure
Смотреть что такое "factor structure" в других словарях:
Factor analysis — is a statistical method used to describe variability among observed, correlated variables in terms of a potentially lower number of unobserved, uncorrelated variables called factors. In other words, it is possible, for example, that variations in … Wikipedia
Structure specific recognition protein 1 — Structure specific recognition protein 1, also known as SSRP1, is a human protein.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: SSRP1 structure specific recognition protein 1| url = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=gene Cmd=ShowDetailView… … Wikipedia
Factor de crecimiento insulínico tipo 1 — (somatomedina C) HUGO 5464 … Wikipedia Español
Factor tisular — 100px Factor de coagulación III (factor tisular de tromboplastina) Identificadores Símbolo F3 Pfam … Wikipedia Español
Structure of Intellect — ist eine 1967 veröffentlichte Theorie, die sich radikal gegen jegliche Hierarchie in der Strukturierung der Intelligenz stellt und vielmehr die Intelligenz als eine Zusammensetzung verschiedener „Cluster“ ansieht, die sich je aus drei Faktoren… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Factor X — For other uses, see Factor X (disambiguation). Coagulation factor X PDB rendering based on 1c5m … Wikipedia
Factor XI — Coagulation factor XI PDB rendering based on 1xx9 … Wikipedia
Factor H — Complement factor H PDB rendering based on 1haq … Wikipedia
Factor VII — Coagulation factor VII (serum prothrombin conversion accelerator) Anchoring of coagulation factor VIIa to the membrane through its Gla domain … Wikipedia
Factor IX — Coagulation factor IX PDB rendering based on 1pfx … Wikipedia
Factor of safety — See also: safety factor (plasma physics) Factor of safety (FoS), also known as safety factor (SF), is a term describing the structural capacity of a system beyond the expected loads or actual loads. Essentially, how much stronger the system is… … Wikipedia