HEBREW LANGUAGE — This entry is arranged according to the following scheme: pre biblical biblical the dead sea scrolls mishnaic medieval modern period A detailed table of contents precedes each section. PRE BIBLICAL nature of the evidence the sources phonology… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Laryngeal theory — The laryngeal theory is a generally accepted theory of historical linguistics which proposes the existence of a set of three (or more) consonant sounds that appear in most current reconstructions of the Proto Indo European language (PIE). These… … Wikipedia
Germanic verb — The Germanic language family is one of the language groups that resulted from the breakup of Proto Indo European (PIE). It in turn divided into North, West and East Germanic groups, and ultimately produced a large group of mediaeval and modern… … Wikipedia
Duenos Inscription — The Duenos inscription, as recorded by Heinrich Dressel. The Duenos Inscription is one of the earliest known Old Latin texts, dating from the 7th century BC. It is inscribed on the sides of a kernos, in this case a trio of small globular vases… … Wikipedia
par — 1. par [ par ] prép. • Xe; per 842; lat. per « à travers, au moyen de » I ♦ (Exprimant une relation de lieu ou de temps) A ♦ Lieu 1 ♦ À travers. Passer par la porte, le couloir. Jeter qqch., regarder par la fenêtre. Voyager par mer, air, terre … Encyclopédie Universelle
AKKADIAN LANGUAGE — Akkadian is the designation for a group of closely related East Semitic dialects current in Mesopotamia from the early third millennium until the Christian era. Closely connected to it is Eblaite, the language found at Tell Maradikh (ancient… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Kasusgrammatik — Die Kasusgrammatik ist eine Theorie zur grammatischen Analyse, die von dem amerikanischen Sprachwissenschaftler Charles J. Fillmore ab 1968 im Rahmen der Transformationsgrammatik entwickelt worden ist. In dieser Theorie werden Sätze als… … Deutsch Wikipedia
factive — I. ˈfaktiv, tēv, təv adjective Etymology: Medieval Latin factivus, from Latin factus + ivus ive 1. obsolete : having power to make : constructive 2. a. of a … Useful english dictionary
grammar — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Mode of speaking and writing Nouns 1. grammar; accidence, syntax, analysis, synopsis, praxis, punctuation, syllabi[fi]cation; agreement. See speech, language, writing. 2. a. part of speech; participle;… … English dictionary for students
Onondaga language — Onondaga Onǫda’gegá’, Onoñda’gegá’ Spoken in Canada, United States Region Six Nations Reserve, Ontario, and central New York Native speakers 65 115 … Wikipedia