- facsimile transmission
- факсимильная [фототелеграфная] передача факсимильный передача
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Facsimile transmission — Факсимильная передача (документов) … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Black facsimile transmission — In telecommunication, the term black facsimile transmission has the following meanings: # In facsimile systems using amplitude modulation, that form of transmission in which the maximum transmitted power corresponds to the maximum density of the… … Wikipedia
White facsimile transmission — In telecommunication, the term white facsimile transmission has the following meanings: # In an amplitude modulated facsimile system, transmission in which the maximum transmitted power corresponds to the minimum density, i.e. , the white area,… … Wikipedia
facsimile mail — facsimile mail, mail sent by facsimile transmission … Useful english dictionary
facsimile — /fak sim euh lee/, n., v., facsimiled, facsimileing, adj. n. 1. an exact copy, as of a book, painting, or manuscript. 2. Also called fax. Telecommunications. a. a method or device for transmitting documents, drawings, photographs, or the like, by … Universalium
facsimile — [fak sim′ə lē] n. [L fac, imper. of facere, DO1 + simile, neut. of similis, SIMILAR] 1. (an) exact reproduction or copy 2. the transmission and reproduction of graphic matter by electrical means, as by radio or wire adj. of or having the nature… … English World dictionary
Newspaper page(s) facsimile transmission — Фототелеграфная [факсимильная] передача газетных полос по каналам связи … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Digital Facsimile Transmission System — Refer instead to Electronic mail … International financial encyclopaedia
transmission — noun 1 sending out/passing on ADJECTIVE ▪ direct, indirect ▪ onward (BrE) ▪ An extra copy of each document was supplied for onward transmission to head office. ▪ data, infor … Collocations dictionary
facsimile telegraph — noun : a telegraphic apparatus that reproduces matter (as messages, drawings, or pictures) in facsimile * * * facsimile telegraph noun The transmission of a still picture over a telegraph circuit and its reproduction • • • Main Entry: ↑facsimile… … Useful english dictionary
facsimile — n. & v. n. 1 an exact copy, esp. of writing, printing, a picture, etc. (often attrib. : facsimile edition). 2 a production of an exact copy of a document etc. by electronic scanning and transmission of the resulting data (see also FAX). b a copy… … Useful english dictionary