face belt
Смотреть что такое "face belt" в других словарях:
Belt (mechanical) — For other belts, see Belt (disambiguation). A pair of vee belts … Wikipedia
Belt pulley — Pulley Pul ley, n.; pl. {Pulleys}. [F. poulie, perhaps of Teutonic origin (cf. {Poll}, v. t.); but cf. OE. poleine, polive, pulley, LL. polanus, and F. poulain, properly, a colt, fr. L. pullus young animal, foal (cf. {Pullet}, {Foal}). For the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
belt — 1. noun 1) the belt of her coat Syn: sash, girdle, strap, cummerbund, band; literary cincture; historical baldric 2) farmers in the cotton belt Syn: region, area, district, zone, sector, territor … Thesaurus of popular words
Face on mars — Relief der Cydonia Region; oben das Marsgesicht, darunter die Pyramiden. Marsgesicht, aufgenommen vom … Deutsch Wikipedia
Conveyor belt — This article is about industrial conveyor belts. For information on the global flow of sea currents, see Thermohaline circulation. Point of contact between a power transmission belt and its pulley. A conveyor belt uses a wide belt and pulleys and … Wikipedia
Seat belt legislation — is a law or laws put in place to enforce or require, the fitting of seat belts to motor vehicles, or the wearing of seat belts by motor vehicle occupants. Most western countries have some seat belt legislation.Fact|date=March 2008.The legal… … Wikipedia
Green belt (UK) — In United Kingdom town planning, the green belt is a policy for controlling urban growth. The idea is for a ring of countryside where urbanisation will be resisted for the foreseeable future, maintaining an area where agriculture, forestry and… … Wikipedia
Conveyor belt sushi — (回転寿司, kaiten zushi?) (also called sushi go round (くるくる寿司, kuru kuru sushi?)) is the pop … Wikipedia
seat belt — noun a safety belt used in a car or plane to hold you in your seat in case of an accident • Syn: ↑seatbelt • Hypernyms: ↑safety belt, ↑life belt, ↑safety harness • Part Holonyms: ↑car seat, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Nouveau Pont du Petit Belt — Le nouveau pont du Petit Belt Pays Danemark Latitude Longitude … Wikipédia en Français
Brandon Belt — Brandon Belt … Wikipédia en Français