Eyas — Ey as, n. [F.niais fresh from the nest, a derivative fr. L. nidus nest. E. an eyas for a nias. See {Nest}, and cf. {Nias}, {Jashawk}.] (Zo[ o]l.) A nesting or unfledged bird; in falconry, a young hawk from the nest, not able to prey for itself.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Eyas — Ey as, a. Unfledged, or newly fledged. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Like eyas hawk up mounts unto the skies, His newly budded pinions to assay. Spebser. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
eyas — [ī′əs] n. [ME, by faulty division (infl. by ey, egg) of a nyas, a niais < OFr niais, nestling < VL * nidax < L nidus, NEST] an unfledged bird; nestling; esp., a young hawk taken from its nest for training in falconry … English World dictionary
eyas — /uy euhs/, n. 1. a nestling. 2. Falconry. a young falcon taken from the nest for training. Also, esp. Brit., eyass. [1480 90; var. of nyas, nias (a nyas taken as an eyas) < MF niais nestling, deriv. of L nidus NEST] * * * … Universalium
eyas — ey•as [[t]ˈaɪ əs[/t]] n. spo a nestling, esp. a young falcon taken from the nest for training Also, esp. brit. ey′ass. Etymology: 1480–90; var. of nyas, nias (a nyas taken as an eyas) < MF niais nestling < VL *nīdācem, acc. of *nīdāx, der.… … From formal English to slang
eyas — /ˈiəs/ (say eeuhs) noun a nestling. {Middle English, variant of nyas, nias (a nyas being taken as an eyas), from French niais a nestling, from Latin nīdus nest} …
eyas-musket — eyˈas musket noun 1. An unfledged male hawk 2. A child (Shakespeare) • • • Main Entry: ↑eyas … Useful english dictionary
eyas — noun Etymology: Middle English, alteration (by incorrect division of a neias) of neias, from Anglo French niais taken in the nest, from Vulgar Latin *nidax nestling, from Latin nidus nest more at nest Date: 15th century an unfledged bird;… … New Collegiate Dictionary
eyas — noun /ˈaɪəs/ A young hawk or falcon in the nest, or that has not yet fledged, especially one that will be trained for falconry. Syn: eyasmusket … Wiktionary
eyas — unfledged falcon or other bird of prey Unusual Animals … Phrontistery dictionary
eyas — adj. unfledged n. nestling; hawk or falcon too young to leave the nest … English contemporary dictionary