EXUVIAE — proprie serpentum superficies. Solin. de scytale serpente c. 27. In hoc tamen squamarum nitore hiemales exuvias prima ponit. Graecis τὸ γῆρας et σῦφαρ, ut apud Hesych. videre est. Unde et γῆρας χελωνῶν, exuviae testudinum, et Latinis vett. suber … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Exuviae — Ex*u vi*[ae], n. pl. [L., fr. exuere to draw out or off, to pull off.] 1. (Zo[ o]l) Cast skins, shells, or coverings of animals; any parts of animals which are shed or cast off, as the skins of snakes, the shells of lobsters, etc. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
exuviae — 1660s, Latin, lit. that which is stripped off, hence clothing, equipment, arms, booty, spoils, from stem of exuere, from PIE *eis to dress … Etymology dictionary
exuviae — [ik so͞o′vē ē, iksyo͞o′vē ē; ig zo͞o′vē ē] pl.n. sing. exuvia [eks o͞o′vēə, eks yo͞o′vēə; eg zo͞o′vēə, ig zo͞o′vēə] [L, that which is stripped off, spoils < exuere, to strip off < ex , away + IE base * eu , to put on > Lith aviù, to wear … English World dictionary
exuviae — noun plural Etymology: Latin, from exuere to take off, from ex + uere to put on; akin to Old Church Slavic obuti to put on (footwear) Date: 1653 sloughed off natural animal coverings (as the skins of snakes) • exuvial adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
exuviae — exuvial, adj. /ig zooh vee ee , ik sooh /, n.pl. the cast skins, shells, or other coverings of animals. [1645 55; < L, deriv. of exuere to remove, strip off, divest oneself of, equiv. to ex EX 1 + uere to put on] * * * … Universalium
exuviae — ex·u·vi·ae ig zü vē .ē, vē .ī n pl sloughed off natural coverings of animals (as the skins of snakes) … Medical dictionary
exuviae — n. discarded animal skins or shells … English contemporary dictionary
exuviae — [ɪg zju:vɪi:, ɛg ] plural noun [also treated as sing.] Zoology the cast or sloughed skin of an animal, especially of an insect larva. Derivatives exuvial adjective Origin C17: from L., lit. animal skins … English new terms dictionary
exuviae — n. pl. Remains (of animals, as skins, shells, etc.), sheddings, cast coverings, refuse parts … New dictionary of synonyms
exuviae — ex·u·vi·ae … English syllables