- exurb
- (американизм) пригородный поселок (заселенный материально обеспеченными людьми)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
exurb — the outer, prosperous ring of the suburbs, 1955, Amer.Eng., from exurban (adj.), by 1838 (it seems to have arisen in the writings of the reform movement focused on getting cemeteries out of cities), from EX (Cf. ex ) + URBAN (Cf. urban), on model … Etymology dictionary
exurb — ☆ exurb [eks′ʉrb΄ ] n. [ EX 1 + (SUB)URB: coined (1955) by A. C. Spectorsky (1910 72), U.S. author and editor] a region, generally semirural, beyond the suburbs of a city, inhabited largely by persons in the upper income group exurban adj … English World dictionary
exurb — noun Etymology: ex + suburb Date: 1955 a region or settlement that lies outside a city and usually beyond its suburbs and that often is inhabited chiefly by well to do families • exurban adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
exurb — /ek seuhrb, eg zeuhrb/, n. a small, usually prosperous, community situated beyond the suburbs of a city. [1950 55, Amer.; EX 1 + (SUB)URB] * * * … Universalium
exurb — noun A residential area beyond the suburbs Syn: exurbia See Also: exurban … Wiktionary
exurb — Synonyms and related words: Stadt, banlieue, boom town, borough, bourg, burg, burgh, city, conurbation, exurbia, faubourg, ghost town, greater city, market town, megalopolis, metropolis, metropolitan area, municipality, outskirts, polis, spread… … Moby Thesaurus
exurb — ex·urb || eksÉœËb n. living area beyond the periphery of a city, community beyond the suburbs … English contemporary dictionary
exurb — [ ɛksə:b] noun N. Amer. a prosperous area beyond a city s suburbs. Derivatives exurban adjective exurbanite noun & adjective Origin early 20th cent. (as exurban): from L. ex out of + urban … English new terms dictionary
exurb — ex·urb … English syllables
exurb — ex•urb [[t]ˈɛk sərb, ˈɛg zərb[/t]] n. a small, usu. prosperous community situated beyond the suburbs of a city • Etymology: 1950–55, amer.; ex I+ (sub) urb ex•ur•ban ɛkˈsɜr bən, ɛgˈzɜr adj. ex•ur′ban•ite , n … From formal English to slang
exurb — /ˈɛksɜb/ (say ekserb) noun 1. a settlement located at a greater distance from a city centre than a suburb, often beginning as a small rural centre with housing development which at a later stage is encompassed by the city or city satellite. 2.… …