extreme value
Смотреть что такое "extreme value" в других словарях:
Extreme value — The largest and the smallest element of a set are called extreme values, absolute extrema, or extreme records.For a differentiable function f, if f(x 0) is an extreme value for the set of all values f(x), and if x 0 is in the interior of the… … Wikipedia
extreme value — ekstreminė vertė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. extreme value vok. Extremwert, m rus. экстремальное значение, n pranc. valeur extrême, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Extreme value theory — is a branch of statistics dealing with the extreme deviations from the median of probability distributions. The general theory sets out to assess the type of probability distributions generated by processes. Extreme value theory is important for… … Wikipedia
Extreme value theorem — This article is about continuous functions in analysis. For statistical theorems about the largest observation in a sequence of random variables, see extreme value theory. A continuous function ƒ(x) on the closed interval [a,b] showing the… … Wikipedia
extreme value — noun see extremum … New Collegiate Dictionary
Generalized extreme value distribution — Probability distribution name =Generalized extreme value type =density pdf cdf parameters =mu in [ infty,infty] , location (real) sigma in (0,infty] , scale (real) xiin [ infty,infty] , shape (real) support =x>mu sigma/xi,;(xi > 0) x … Wikipedia
Extreme — or Xtreme may refer to:In music: *Extreme (band), an American band ** Extreme (album), an album by Extreme *Xtreme (group), a Latin music group ** Xtreme (album), an album by Xtreme * Extremes (album), an album by Collin Raye *Extreme Records, a… … Wikipedia
Extreme physical information — (EPI) is a principle, first described and formulated in 1998 Frieden, B. Roy Physics from Fisher Information: A Unification , 1st Ed. Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0 521 63167 X, pp328, 1998 ( [ref name= Frieden6 ] shows 2nd Ed.)] by B. Roy… … Wikipedia
Extreme Programming — (or XP) is a software engineering methodology (and a form of agile software development) Human Centred Technology Workshop 2005 , 2005, PDF webpage: [ftp://ftp.informatics.sussex.ac.uk/pub/reports/csrp/csrp585.pdf Informatics UK report cdrp585]… … Wikipedia
Extreme Programming Practices — Extreme Programming (XP) is a popular agile software development methodology used to implement software projects. This article details the practices used in this methodology. Extreme Programming has 12 practices, grouped into four areas, derived… … Wikipedia
Extreme points of India — include the coordinates that are further north, south, east or west than any other location in India; and the highest and the lowest altitudes in the country. Also included in this list is the southern most Indian station in Antarctica. India s… … Wikipedia