- extraordinary session
- парл. чрезвычайная сессия
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
extraordinary session — A legislative session, called usually by the governor, which meets in the interval between regular sessions to handle specific legislation. In most states such sessions are limited to the consideration of matters specified in the governor s call … Black's law dictionary
extraordinary session — A legislative session, called usually by the governor, which meets in the interval between regular sessions to handle specific legislation. In most states such sessions are limited to the consideration of matters specified in the governor s call … Black's law dictionary
extraordinary session — See special session … Ballentine's law dictionary
Third Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Summit Conference — The Third Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Summit Conference was a conference organized by the Organization of the Islamic Conference in Makkah Al Mukarramah, Saudi Arabia, on the 7th and 8th of December 2005.This was organised in response to … Wikipedia
extraordinary — ex·tra·or·di·nary /ek stȯr də ˌner ē, ˌek strə ȯr / adj 1 a: going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary; specif: of, relating to, or having the nature of a proceeding or action not normally required by law or not prescribed for the… … Law dictionary
extraordinary — [ek strôrd′ n er΄ē, ikstrôrd′ n er΄ē; ekstrôr′də ner΄ē, ikstrôr′də ner΄ē; ] also [ eks΄trə ôrd′ n er΄ē, eks΄trəôr′də ner΄ē] adj. [ME extraordinari < L extraordinarius < extra ordinem, out of the usual order < extra + acc. of ordo, ORDER] … English World dictionary
extraordinary — Out of the ordinary; exceeding the usual, average, or normal measure or degree; beyond or out of the common order, method, or rule; not usual, regular, or of a customary kind; remarkable; uncommon; rare; employed for an exceptional purpose or on… … Black's law dictionary
extraordinary — Out of the ordinary; exceeding the usual, average, or normal measure or degree; beyond or out of the common order, method, or rule; not usual, regular, or of a customary kind; remarkable; uncommon; rare; employed for an exceptional purpose or on… … Black's law dictionary
session — The sitting of a court, legislature, council, commission, etc., for the transaction of its proper business. Hence, the period of time, within any one day, during which such body is assembled in form, and engaged in the transaction of business, or … Black's law dictionary
Extraordinary Lord of Session — Extraordinary Lords of Session were lay members of the Court of Session in Scotland from 1532 to 1762.When the Court of Session was founded in 1532, it consisted of the Lord President, 14 Ordinary Lords and three or four Extraordinary Lords. The… … Wikipedia
extraordinary — ex|traor|di|na|ry W3S3 [ıkˈstro:dənəri US ıkˈstro:rdn eri, ˌekstrəˈo:r ] adj [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: extraordinarius, from extra ordinem out of the usual course , from ordo order ] 1.) very unusual or surprising ▪ It took an… … Dictionary of contemporary English