extortionate — UK US /ɪkˈstɔːʃənət/ adjective DISAPPROVING ► more expensive than is reasonable: extortionate fee/price/rate, etc. »Most retailers charge extortionate prices for extended warranties often more than three times as much as an independent provider.… … Financial and business terms
extortionate — index exorbitant, inordinate, prohibitive (costly), usurious, venal Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
extortionate — [eks tôr′shəner΄ē, ik stôr′shəner΄ēeks tôr′shə nit] adj. 1. characterized by, or having the nature of, extortion: also extortionary [eks tôr′shəner΄ē, ik stôr′shəner΄ē] 2. excessive; exorbitant [an extortionate price] … English World dictionary
Extortionate — Ex*tor tion*ate, a. Characterized by extortion; oppressive; hard. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
extortionate — (adj.) 1789, from EXTORTION (Cf. extortion) + ATE (Cf. ate) … Etymology dictionary
extortionate — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of a price) much too high. 2) using or given to extortion. DERIVATIVES extortionately adverb … English terms dictionary
extortionate — extortionately, adv. /ik stawr sheuh nit/, adj. 1. grossly excessive; exorbitant: extortionate prices. 2. characterized by extortion, as persons: extortionate moneylenders. [1780 90; EXTORTION + ATE1] * * * … Universalium
extortionate — ex|tor|tion|ate [ıkˈsto:ʃənıt US o:r ] adj an extortionate price, demand etc is unreasonably high = ↑exorbitant ▪ Many local taxi drivers charge extortionate rates. >extortionately adv … Dictionary of contemporary English
extortionate — ex|tor|tion|ate [ ık stɔrʃnət ] adjective if a price or request for money is extortionate it is much higher than is reasonable: extortionate rents ╾ ex|tor|tion|ate|ly adverb: extortionately priced cosmetics … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
extortionate — adjective an extortionate price, demand, etc is extremely high: Most drivers under 25 can only get insurance at extortionate rates. extortionately adverb … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
extortionate — UK [ɪkˈstɔː(r)ʃ(ə)nət] / US [ɪkˈstɔrʃ(ə)nət] adjective if a price or request for money is extortionate it is much higher than is reasonable extortionate rents Derived word: extortionately adverb extortionately priced cosmetics … English dictionary