Смотреть что такое "externalist" в других словарях:
externalist — 1. adjective Contending that there are non internal factors which can affect the justificatory status of a belief 2. noun One who adheres to externalist beliefs … Wiktionary
externalist — See externalism. * * * … Universalium
externalist — ex·ter·nal·ist … English syllables
externalist — ə̇st noun ( s) : one that practices or adheres to externalism … Useful english dictionary
externalism — externalist, n. /ik sterr nl iz euhm/, n. attention to externals, esp. excessive attention to externals, as in religion. [1855 60; EXTERNAL + ISM] * * * … Universalium
Internalism and externalism — See also Externalism. Internalism and externalism are two opposing ways of explaining various subjects in several areas of philosophy. These include human motivation, knowledge, justification, meaning and truth. The distinction arises in many… … Wikipedia
Sidgwick, Henry — Sidgwick C.A.J.Coady Unlike John Stuart Mill or Jeremy Bentham, Henry Sidgwick’s is hardly a household name in intellectual circles beyond the world of professional philosophy. His standing amongst many contemporary moral philosophers as possibly … History of philosophy
Gettier problem — A Gettier problem is a problem in modern epistemology issuing from counter examples to the definition of knowledge as justified true belief (JTB). The problem owes its name to a three page paper published in 1963, by Edmund Gettier, called Is… … Wikipedia
Epistemology — (from Greek επιστήμη episteme , knowledge + λόγος , logos ) or theory of knowledge is a branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope (limitations) of knowledge. [Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Volume 3, 1967, Macmillan, Inc.] The term… … Wikipedia
Alvin Plantinga — Infobox Philosopher region = Western Philosophy era = 20th century philosophy color = #B0C4DE image caption = University of Notre Dame, 2004 name = Alvin Carl Plantinga birth = November 15, 1932 flagicon|USA|size=20px Ann Arbor, Michigan death =… … Wikipedia
Semantic externalism — In the philosophy of language, semantic externalism is the view that the meaning of a term is determined, in whole or in part, by factors external to the speaker. According to an externalist position, one can claim without contradiction that two… … Wikipedia