- external validity
- мат. внешняя общезначимость
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
External validity — is the validity of generalized (causal) inferences in scientific studies, usually based on experiments as experimental validity. [ Mitchell, M. Jolley, J. (2001). Research Design Explained (4th Ed) New York:Harcourt.] Inferences about cause… … Wikipedia
external validity — the extent to which study results can be generalized beyond the sample used in the study … Medical dictionary
Validity (statistics) — In psychology, validity has two distinct fields of application. The first involves test validity, a concept that has evolved with the field of psychometrics but which textbooks still commonly gloss over in explaining that it is the degree to… … Wikipedia
external study validity — išorinis tyrimo pagrįstumas statusas T sritis biomedicinos mokslai apibrėžtis Tyrimo apibūdinimas, rodantis, ar dėsningumai, nustatyti tiriant tam tikrą asmenų grupę, tinka visai ↑populiacijai. atitikmenys: angl. external study validity ryšiai:… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Ecological validity — is a form of validity in a research study. For a research study to possess ecological validity, the methods, materials and setting of the study must approximate the real life situation that is under investigation.Brewer, M. (2000). Research… … Wikipedia
Internal validity — is the validity of (causal) inferences in scientific studies, usually based on experiments as experimental validity [ Mitchell, M. and Jolley, J. (2001). Research Design Explained (4th Ed) New York:Harcourt.] . Details Inferences are said to… … Wikipedia
Ecological validity (perception) — The ecological validity of a sensory cue in perception is the correlation between the cue (something an organism might be able to measure from the proximal stimulus) and a property of the world (some aspect of the distal stimulus). For example,… … Wikipedia
Pragmatic validity — in research looks to a different paradigms than more traditional, (post)positivistic research approaches. It tries to ameliorate problems associated with the rigour relevance debate, and is applicable in all kinds of research streams. Simply put … Wikipedia
Criterion validity — A valid measure actually measures what it says it will measure. To define a measure as valid, one can assess different types of validity. The type of validity of measurement assessed depends on what the researcher wants to know. Criterion… … Wikipedia
Colonial Laws Validity Act 1865 — Parliament of the United Kingdom Long title An Act to remove Doubts as to the Validity of Colonial Laws. Statute book chapter … Wikipedia
Re Kevin - validity of marriage of transsexual — This case, cited as Re Kevin : Validity of Marriage of Transsexual (2001) FamCA 1074 and (2001) FLC 93 087 or short Re Kevin was a case brought before the Full Court of the Family Court of Australia regarding the possibility of transsexual people … Wikipedia