external field
Смотреть что такое "external field" в других словарях:
external field — išorinis laukas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Savo būsenos (beveik) nekeičiantis, bet jame esančius objektus veikiantis laukas. Kartais vadinamas poveikio lauku. Kadangi visi fizikiniai objektai vienaip ar kitaip… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
external field — išorinis laukas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. external field vok. äußeres Feld, n rus. внешнее поле, n pranc. champ externe, m; champ extérieur, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Field emission — (FE) is the emission of electrons from the surface of a condensed phase into another phase due to the presence of high electric fields. In this phenomenon, electrons with energies below the Fermi level tunnel through the potential barrier at the… … Wikipedia
External ballistics — is the part of the science of ballistics that deals with the behaviour of a non powered projectile in flight. External ballistics is frequently associated with firearms, and deals with the behaviour of the bullet after it exits the barrel and… … Wikipedia
External beam radiotherapy — otherwise known as teletherapy, is the most frequently used form of radiotherapy. The patient sits or lies on a couch and an external source of radiation is pointed at a particular part of the body. Kilovoltage (also known as Superficial or Deep) … Wikipedia
Field Club — Historic District U.S. National Register of Historic Places U.S. Historic district … Wikipedia
Field Day — is an annual amateur radio exercise, widely sponsored by IARU regions and member organizations, encouraging emergency communications preparedness among amateur radio operators. In the United States, it is typically the largest single emergency… … Wikipedia
Field crumpets — is a game played with two teams of players which try to score points by hitting the crumpet into the opposing team s goal using their crumpet sticks . Created in 1996 by Robbie Overton [ [http://www.6newslawrence.com/news/2004/jul/15/crumpets/]… … Wikipedia
Field Target — is an outdoor air gun discipline originating in the United Kingdom, on the late 1980s, but gaining popularity worldwide.UK RulesIn UK (United Kingdom) rules, competitors aim to shoot the small “kill” zone that forms part of a larger metal… … Wikipedia
Field (sculpture) — Field (1991) is a sculpture by British artist Antony Gormley. It consists of approx. 35,000 [http://www.antonygormley.com/viewphotoseries.php?photoseriesid=6 page=1] individual terracotta figures, each between 8 and 26cm high, installed on the… … Wikipedia
Field Communications — was a division of Field Enterprises, which owned the Chicago Sun Times and the Chicago Daily News . The company owned independent television stations in the United States, with WFLD TV in Chicago as its largest market station.HistoryThe… … Wikipedia