external constraint

external constraint
внешнее принуждение (в схеме прерывания)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "external constraint" в других словарях:

  • Constraint (information theory) — Constraint in information theory refers to the degree of statistical dependence between or among variables. Garner[1] provides a thorough discussion of various forms of constraint (internal constraint, external constraint, total constraint) with… …   Wikipedia

  • Constraint satisfaction problem — Constraint satisfaction problems (CSP)s are mathematical problems defined as a set of objects whose state must satisfy a number of constraints or limitations. CSPs represent the entities in a problem as a homogeneous collection of finite… …   Wikipedia

  • Constraint Handling Rules — (CHR) is a declarative programming language extension introduced in 1991[1][2] by Thom Frühwirth. Originally designed for developing (prototypes of) constraint programming systems, CHR is increasingly used as a high level general purpose… …   Wikipedia

  • Constraint Grammar — (CG) is a methodological paradigm for Natural language processing (NLP). Linguist written, context dependent rules are compiled into a grammar that assigns grammatical tags ( readings ) to words or other tokens in running text. Typical tags… …   Wikipedia

  • constraint — UK US /kənˈstreɪnt/ noun [C] ► something that controls what you can do by keeping you within particular limits: »The constraint of distribution costs remains the severest of all. budget/financial, etc. constraints »This growth in revenue may… …   Financial and business terms

  • Constraint satisfaction — In artificial intelligence and operations research, constraint satisfaction is the process of finding a solution to a set of constraints that impose conditions that the variables must satisfy. A solution is therefore a vector of variables that… …   Wikipedia

  • Constraint programming — Programming paradigms Agent oriented Automata based Component based Flow based Pipelined Concatenative Concurrent computin …   Wikipedia

  • Constraint (mathematics) — In mathematics, a constraint is a condition that a solution to an optimization problem must satisfy. There are two types of constraints: equality constraints and inequality constraints. The set of solutions that satisfy all constraints is called… …   Wikipedia

  • Object Constraint Language — The Object Constraint Language (OCL) is a declarative language for describing rules that apply to Unified Modeling Language (UML) models developed at IBM and now part of the UML standard. Initially, OCL was only a formal specification language… …   Wikipedia

  • Local search (constraint satisfaction) — In constraint satisfaction, local search is an incomplete method for finding a solution to a problem. It is based on iteratively improving an assignment of the variables until all constraints are satisfied. In particular, local search algorithms… …   Wikipedia

  • Hamiltonian constraint — In loop quantum gravity, dynamics such as time evolutions of fields are controlled by the Hamiltonian constraint. The identity of the Hamiltonian constraint is a major open question in quantum gravity, as is extracting of physical observables… …   Wikipedia

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