extension limit
Смотреть что такое "extension limit" в других словарях:
extension — extensionality, extensionalism, n. extensional, adj. extensionally, adv. extensionless, adj. /ik sten sheuhn/, n. 1. an act or instance of extending. 2. the state of being extended. 3. that by which something is extended; an addition: a four room … Universalium
limit rod — devices, usually in the form of rods or bars, attached to the expansion joint assembly whose primary function is to restrict the bellows movement range (axial, lateral and angular) during normal operation. They are designed to prevent over… … Mechanics glossary
Northern Limit Line — Incidents have occurred in waters south of the Northern Limit Line, shown in red separating North and South Korea The Northern Limit Line or North Limit Line (NLL) is a disputed inter Korea maritime demarcation line in the Yellow (West) Sea… … Wikipedia
List of life extension-related topics — Following is a list of topics related to life extension: compactTOC NOTOC 0–9* 15 Global ChallengesA* Accelerated aging disease ** Bloom syndrome ** Cockayne s syndrome ** Progeria ** Werner s syndrome ** Xeroderma pigmentosum * Accident * ACE… … Wikipedia
Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit — Developer(s) Dimps Publisher(s) JP / … Wikipedia
Physical Address Extension — In computing, Physical Address Extension (PAE) is a feature to allow (32 bit) x86 processors to access a physical address space (including random access memory and memory mapped devices) larger than 4 gigabytes. First implemented in the Intel… … Wikipedia
Physical Address Extension — (PAE, engl. für Erweiterung (der) physischen Adressierung) ist eine technische Erweiterung aus dem Gebiet der Rechnerarchitektur. Sie ermöglicht es x86 kompatiblen CPUs, im 32 Bit Modus mehr physischen Arbeitsspeicher anzusprechen als durch die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Filename extension — A filename extension is a suffix (separated from the basefilename by a dot) to the name of a computer file applied to indicate the encoding (file format) of its contents or usage. Some filesystems limit the length of the extension (such as the… … Wikipedia
Credit limit — A credit limit is the maximum amount of credit that a financial institution or other lender will extend to a debtor for a particular line of credit (sometimes called a credit line, line of credit, or a tradeline). For example, it is the most that … Wikipedia
Copyright Term Extension Act — Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act Full title To amend the provisions of title 17, United States Code, with respect to the duration of copyright, and for other purposes. Acronym CTEA Enacted by the 105th United States Congress … Wikipedia
Linear extension — In order theory, a branch of mathematics, a linear extension of a partial order is a linear order (or total order) that is compatible with the partial order. Contents 1 Definitions 2 Order extension principle 3 Related results … Wikipedia