extended position
Смотреть что такое "extended position" в других словарях:
Extended cycle combined hormonal contraceptive — Extended cycle combined hormonal contraceptives Background Birth control type Hormonal First use ? Pregnancy rates (first year) Perfect use ? Typical use ? … Wikipedia
Extended cycle combined oral contraceptive pill — Extended cycle combined oral contraceptive pills are COCPs packaged to reduce or eliminate the withdrawal bleeding that occurs once every 28 days in traditionally packaged COCPs. Extended cycle use of COCPs may also be called menstrual… … Wikipedia
Extended binary coded decimal interchange code — L Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) est un mode de codage des caractères sur 8 bits créé par IBM à l époque des cartes perforées. Il existe au moins 6 versions différentes bien documentées (et de nombreuses variantes parfois … Wikipédia en Français
Position angle — Position angle, usually abbreviated PA, is a measurement derived from observing visual binary stars. It is defined as the angular offset in degrees of the secondary star to the primary, relative to the north celestial pole. As the example… … Wikipedia
EXtended Triton Format — (XTF) is a Triton Imaging, Inc. file format for recording various types of hydrographic survey data, including sidescan sonar, shallow seismic and multibeam bathymetry, as well as associated position and attitude information. XTF is the most… … Wikipedia
Extended chord — Dominant thirteenth extended chord: C E G B♭ D F A … Wikipedia
Extended Projection Principle — The Extended Projection Principle (EPP), a linguistic theory, was proposed by Noam Chomsky as an addendum to the Projection principle (which it has outlived significantly). The basic idea of the EPP is that clauses must contain overt (i.e.… … Wikipedia
Extended Binary Coded Decimals Interchange Code — Der Extended Binary Coded Decimals Interchange Code (EBCDIC, sinngemäß „erweiterter Austauschcode für binär kodierte Dezimalziffern“) ist eine von IBM entwickelte 8 Bit Zeichenkodierung, bei der jedoch nicht alle Codewörter verwendet werden. Der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
position trader — An approach to trading in which the trader either buys or sells contracts and holds them for an extended period of time. Chicago Board of Trade glossary A trader who establishes a position (either by purchasing or selling) and holds it for an… … Financial and business terms
Position of the arms in ballet — There are two basic positions for the arms. In one, the dancer keeps the fingers of both arms almost touching to form an oval shape, either almost touching the hips, or at navel level, or raised above the dancer s head. In the other, the arms are … Wikipedia
Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code — L Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) est un mode de codage des caractères sur 8 bits créé par IBM à l époque des cartes perforées. Il existe au moins 6 versions différentes bien documentées (et de nombreuses variantes parfois … Wikipédia en Français