extend a lease

extend a lease
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "extend a lease" в других словарях:

  • extend — Term lends itself to great variety of meanings, which must in each case be gathered from context. It may mean to expand, enlarge, prolong, lengthen, widen, carry or draw out further than the original limit; e.g., to extend the time for filing an… …   Black's law dictionary

  • extend — Term lends itself to great variety of meanings, which must in each case be gathered from context. It may mean to expand, enlarge, prolong, lengthen, widen, carry or draw out further than the original limit; e.g., to extend the time for filing an… …   Black's law dictionary

  • extend — ex‧tend [ɪkˈstend] verb 1. [transitive] to increase the period of time for which an agreement, contract etc is effective: • The company decided not to extend his employment contract. • The lease has been extended to five years. 2. [transitive] to …   Financial and business terms

  • extend — I (enlarge) verb add, aggrandize, amplify, augere, augment, broaden, build up, carry beyond the limit, carry further, cause to grow, continue, deepen, develop, dilate, distend, draw out, elongate, enlarge the scope of, expand, extendere, increase …   Law dictionary

  • lease — a legal contract covering the possession and use of property, plant or equipment between the owner ( lessor) and another person ( lessee) at a given rent, for a stated length of time. Glossary of Business Terms A contract providing for the use of …   Financial and business terms

  • Lease — A long term rental agreement, and a form of secured long term debt. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. lease lease 1 [liːs] verb [transitive] COMMERCE 1. if you lease something to someone, you give them the right to use it for a… …   Financial and business terms

  • Lease purchase contract — A lease purchase contract (or lease option contract) is the abbreviated form of the appropriate term lease with option to purchase contract. It is a form of real estate purchase which combines elements of a traditional rental agreement with an… …   Wikipedia

  • Land Lease Option — An option within a lease contract that grants the lessee the right to extend the period of the lease beyond the original length of time. Usually, the lessee is required to pay a premium for the option, such as a small amount of money in each year …   Investment dictionary

  • extension of lease — The lengthening of the term of a lease by mutual agreement or by the exercise by the lessee of an option contained in the lease. 32 Am J1st L & T §§ 953 et seq. In some of the cases, the courts seem to disregard any distinction in meaning between …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Convict lease — Convict leasing was a system of penal labor practiced in the Southern United States, beginning with the emancipation of slaves at the end of the American Civil War in 1865, peaking around 1880, and ending in the last state, Alabama, in 1928.… …   Wikipedia

  • time-re|lease — «TYM rih LEES», adjective. made to be released in the body at intervals of time so as to extend the medicinal effect over a long period: »a time release medicine, drug, or capsule …   Useful english dictionary

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