exposure parameter

exposure parameter
экспозиционный параметр

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "exposure parameter" в других словарях:

  • Exposure at default (EAD) — is a parameter used in the calculation of economic capital or regulatory capital under Basel II for a banking institution. This is an attribute of any exposure on bank s client.DefinitionIn general EAD can be seen as an estimation of the extent… …   Wikipedia

  • Solvent exposure — The solvent exposure of an amino acid in a protein measures to what extent the amino acid is accessible to the solvent (usually water) surrounding the protein. Generally speaking, hydrophobic amino acids will be buried inside the protein and thus …   Wikipedia

  • Computer-aided diagnosis — Computer aided detection (CADe) and computer aided diagnosis (CADx) are procedures in medicine that assist doctors in the interpretation of medical images. Imaging techniques in X ray, MRI, and Ultrasound diagnostics yield a great deal of… …   Wikipedia

  • Astronomical seeing — Schematic diagram illustrating how optical wavefronts from a distant star may be perturbed by a layer of turbulent mixing in the atmosphere. The vertical scale of the wavefronts plotted is highly exaggerated. Astronomical seeing refers to the… …   Wikipedia

  • radiation — radiational, adj. /ray dee ay sheuhn/, n. 1. Physics. a. the process in which energy is emitted as particles or waves. b. the complete process in which energy is emitted by one body, transmitted through an intervening medium or space, and… …   Universalium

  • Passivrauchen — Tabakrauch in einem Pub Passivrauchen ist die Inhalation von Tabakrauch aus der Raumluft. Sowohl Tierexperimente als auch epidemiologische Studien geben Hinweise darauf, dass Passivrauchen, wenn auch in geringerem Maße als Aktivrauchen, ein… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Computer-adaptive testing — A computer adaptive testing (CAT) is a method for administering tests that adapts to the examinee s ability level. For this reason, it has also been called tailored testing . How CAT worksCAT successively selects questions so as to maximize the… …   Wikipedia

  • Computerized adaptive testing — (CAT) is a form of computer based test that adapts to the examinee s ability level. For this reason, it has also been called tailored testing. Contents 1 How CAT works 2 Advantages 3 Disadvantages …   Wikipedia

  • Loss given default — Basel II Bank for International Settlements Basel Accords Basel I Basel II Background Banking Monetary policy Central bank Risk …   Wikipedia

  • Principles and parameters — is a framework in generative linguistics. Principles and parameters was largely formulated by the linguists Noam Chomsky and Howard Lasnik, though it was the culmination of the research of many linguists. Today, many linguists have adopted this… …   Wikipedia

  • Loss given default (LGD) — Loss Given Default or LGD is a common parameter in Risk Models and also a parameter used in the calculation of Economic Capital or Regulatory Capital under Basel II for a banking institution. This is an attribute of any exposure on bank s… …   Wikipedia

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