expose oneself to
Смотреть что такое "expose oneself to" в других словарях:
expose oneself — REVEAL ONE S GENITALIA; informal flash. → expose * * * expose oneself To expose one s sexual organs in public • • • Main Entry: ↑expose … Useful english dictionary
expose oneself — publicly and indecently display one s genitals. → expose … English new terms dictionary
expose oneself — verb To appear nude in public … Wiktionary
expose — ► VERB 1) uncover and make visible. 2) reveal the true nature of. 3) (exposed) unprotected from the weather. 4) (expose to) make vulnerable to. 5) subject (photographic film) to light. 6) ( … English terms dictionary
expose — exposable, adj. exposability, n. exposer, n. /ik spohz /, v.t., exposed, exposing. 1. to lay open to danger, attack, harm, etc.: to expose soldiers to gunfire; to expose one s character to attack. 2. to lay open to something specified: to expose… … Universalium
expose — /əkˈspoʊz / (say uhk spohz), /ɛk / (say ek ) verb (t) (exposed, exposing) 1. to lay open to danger, attack, harm, etc.: to expose soldiers to gunfire; to expose one s character to attack. 2. to lay open to something specified: to expose oneself… …
expose — v. To show publicly; to display; to offer to the public view, as, to expose goods to sale, to expose a tariff or schedule of rates, to expose misconduct of public or quasi public figures. To place in a position where the object spoken of is open… … Black's law dictionary
expose — v. To show publicly; to display; to offer to the public view, as, to expose goods to sale, to expose a tariff or schedule of rates, to expose misconduct of public or quasi public figures. To place in a position where the object spoken of is open… … Black's law dictionary
expose — verb 1》 make (something) visible by uncovering it. ↘(expose oneself) publicly and indecently display one s genitals. 2》 (often expose someone to) subject to possible harm or risk. ↘leave (a child) in the open to die. 3》 (expose someone… … English new terms dictionary
expose — v.tr. 1 leave uncovered or unprotected, esp. from the weather. 2 (foll. by to) cause to be liable to or in danger of (was exposed to great danger). 3 (as exposed adj.) a (foll. by to) open to; unprotected from (exposed to the east). b vulnerable … Useful english dictionary
expose — ex‧pose [ɪkˈspəʊz ǁ ˈspoʊz] verb [transitive] 1. to reveal the truth about someone or something that was hidden, especially when it involves something illegal, dishonest, or wrong: • He achieved political prominence by exposing high level… … Financial and business terms