exports of goods
Смотреть что такое "exports of goods" в других словарях:
Goods and Services Tax (Hong Kong) — Goods and Services Tax (GST) was a proposed Value Added Tax in Hong Kong. Consultation over a period of nine months was launched on 2006 07 19 and stirred considerable controversy.It launched a fierce debate amongst local taxpayers, lawmakers,… … Wikipedia
Goods and Services Tax (Canada) — The Canadian Goods and Services Tax (GST) (French: Taxe sur les produits et services, TPS) is a multi level value added tax introduced in Canada on January 1, 1991, by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and finance minister Michael Wilson. The GST… … Wikipedia
exports — Goods or services sold to foreign countries. Export selling may be achieved by using international marketing middlemen (indirect exporting) or by a company s own overseas branch or sales representatives or by a company s agents abroad (direct… … Big dictionary of business and management
exports — Goods or services sold to parties in foreign countries. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
goods — plural noun 1) he dispatched the goods Syn: merchandise, wares, stock, commodities, produce, products, articles; imports, exports 2) the dead woman s goods Syn: property, possessions … Thesaurus of popular words
exports — / ekspɔ:ts/ plural noun goods sent to a foreign country to be sold ● Exports to Africa have increased by 25%. (NOTE: usually used in the plural, but the singular form is used before a noun) … Marketing dictionary in english
exports — / ekspɔ:ts/ plural noun goods sent to a foreign country to be sold ● Exports to Africa have increased by 25%. (NOTE: Usually used in the plural, but the singular form is used before a noun.) … Dictionary of banking and finance
exports — ex·port || ek spÉ”Ët n. shipping of goods to other countries; exportation; merchandise or services sold to parties in other countries; storage of data in a format which can be read by other programs (Computers) v. ship, send abroad, sell… … English contemporary dictionary
Exports — Shipments of goods from within the 50 States and the District of Columbia to U.S. possessions and territories or to foreign countries. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary *** (Electric utility) Power… … Energy terms
exports — Articles shipped from a port of the United States to a foreign country. 21 Am J2d Cust D § 5. Goods and merchandise exported to foreign countries. 51 Am J1st Tax § 104 … Ballentine's law dictionary
re-exports — Goods that have been imported and are then exported without having undergone any material change while in the exporting country. Countries with a major re export or entrepôt trade distinguish re exports from domestic exports in their balance of… … Big dictionary of business and management