exponential type
Смотреть что такое "exponential type" в других словарях:
Exponential family — Not to be confused with the exponential distribution. Natural parameter links here. For the usage of this term in differential geometry, see differential geometry of curves. In probability and statistics, an exponential family is an important… … Wikipedia
Exponential distribution — Not to be confused with the exponential families of probability distributions. Exponential Probability density function Cumulative distribution function para … Wikipedia
Exponential growth — The graph illustrates how exponential growth (green) surpasses both linear (red) and cubic (blue) growth. Exponential growth … Wikipedia
Exponential-Verteilung — Dichte der Exponentialverteilung mit verschiedenen Werten für λ Die Exponentialverteilung ist eine stetige Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung über der Menge der positiven reellen Zahlen, die durch eine Exponentialfunktion gegeben ist. Sie wird als… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Exponential sum — In mathematics, an exponential sum may be a finite Fourier series (i.e. a trigonometric polynomial), or other finite sum formed using the exponential function, usually expressed by means of the function:e(x) = exp(2pi ix).Therefore a typical… … Wikipedia
Exponential-Golomb coding — An Exponential Golomb code (or just Exp Golomb code) of order k is a type of universal code, parameterized by a whole number k. To encode a nonnegative integer in an order k exp Golomb code, one can use the following method: # Take the number in… … Wikipedia
Exponential Moving Average - EMA — A type of moving average that is similar to a simple moving average, except that more weight is given to the latest data. The exponential moving average is also known as exponentially weighted moving average . This type of moving average reacts… … Investment dictionary
exponential equation — noun A type of equation which includes a variable located in the exponent; for example … Wiktionary
Phase-type distribution — Probability distribution name =Phase type type =density pdf cdf parameters =S,; m imes m subgenerator matrixoldsymbol{alpha}, probability row vector support =x in [0; infty)! pdf =oldsymbol{alpha}e^{xS}oldsymbol{S}^{0} See article for details… … Wikipedia
Natural exponential family — In probability and statistics, the natural exponential family (NEF) is a class of probability distributions that is a special case of an exponential family (EF). Many common distributions are members of a natural exponential family, and the use… … Wikipedia
Discrete phase-type distribution — The discrete phase type distribution is a probability distribution that results from a system of one or more inter related geometric distributions occurring in sequence, or phases. The sequence in which each of the phases occur may itself be a… … Wikipedia