- exponential inequality
- мат. экспоненциальное [показательное] неравенство
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Exponential integral — is a mathematical function of a single argument which has no established notation.DefinitionsFor real values of x , the exponential integral Ei( x ) can be defined as : mbox{Ei}(x)=int { infty}^xfrac{e^t}t,dt., The definition above can be used… … Wikipedia
Inequality of arithmetic and geometric means — In mathematics, the inequality of arithmetic and geometric means, or more briefly the AM GM inequality, states that the arithmetic mean of a list of non negative real numbers is greater than or equal to the geometric mean of the same list; and… … Wikipedia
Exponential sum — In mathematics, an exponential sum may be a finite Fourier series (i.e. a trigonometric polynomial), or other finite sum formed using the exponential function, usually expressed by means of the function:e(x) = exp(2pi ix).Therefore a typical… … Wikipedia
Exponential distribution — Not to be confused with the exponential families of probability distributions. Exponential Probability density function Cumulative distribution function para … Wikipedia
Grönwall's inequality — In mathematics, Grönwall s lemma allows one to bound a function that is known to satisfy a certain differential or integral inequality by the solution of the corresponding differential or integral equation. There are two forms of the lemma, a… … Wikipedia
Young's inequality — In mathematics, the standard form of Young s inequality states that if a and b are nonnegative real numbers and p and q are positive real numbers such that 1/ p + 1/ q = 1 then we have:ab le frac{a^p}{p} + frac{b^q}{q}.Equality holds if and only… … Wikipedia
Jensen's inequality — In mathematics, Jensen s inequality, named after the Danish mathematician Johan Jensen, relates the value of a convex function of an integral to the integral of the convex function. It was proved by Jensen in 1906 [Jensen, J. Sur les fonctions… … Wikipedia
Characterizations of the exponential function — In mathematics, the exponential function can be characterized in many ways. The following characterizations (definitions) are most common. This article discusses why each characterization makes sense, and why the characterizations are independent … Wikipedia
Doob's martingale inequality — In mathematics, Doob s martingale inequality is a result in the study of stochastic processes. It gives a bound on the probability that a stochastic process exceeds any given value over a given interval of time. As the name suggests, the result… … Wikipedia
Matrix exponential — In mathematics, the matrix exponential is a matrix function on square matrices analogous to the ordinary exponential function. Abstractly, the matrix exponential gives the connection between a matrix Lie algebra and the corresponding Lie group.… … Wikipedia
International inequality — [ thumb|400px|Per capita income ratio (purchasing power parity basis) around the world in the year 2000. Each color represents the ratio of income in the country to the world mean. Countries colored red have less than one quarter of the world… … Wikipedia