experimental proof

experimental proof
мат. экспериментальное доказательство

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "experimental proof" в других словарях:

  • Experimental Mathematics (journal) — Experimental Mathematics is a quarterly mathematical journal published by A. K. Peters, Ltd. The journal publishes papers in experimental mathematics, broadly construed. The journal s mission statement describes its scope as follows: Experimental …   Wikipedia

  • experimental evidence — Proof of a fact by way of an experiment performed in court, at any rate in the presence of judge and jury, or evidence of experiments performed out of court under similar conditions and like circumstances to those existing in the case at issue.… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Experimental mathematics — For the mathematical journal of the same name, see Experimental Mathematics (journal) Experimental mathematics is an approach to mathematics in which numerical computation is used to investigate mathematical objects and identify properties and… …   Wikipedia

  • Proof and Experimental Establishment — Infobox Laboratory name = Proof Experimental Establishment motto = logo = established = November 7 1895 As DRDO lab in October 1958 city = Chandipur, Orissa research field = type = director = Brig. Anoop Malhotra staff = budget = operating agency …   Wikipedia

  • proof — n 1. validation, evidence, verification, proof positive, confirmation, ratification, authentication, Law. certification; conclusiveness, certainty, conviction, surety, assurance, guarantee. 2. documentation, document, substantiation,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • Mathematical proof — In mathematics, a proof is a convincing demonstration (within the accepted standards of the field) that some mathematical statement is necessarily true.[1][2] Proofs are obtained from deductive reasoning, rather than from inductive or empirical… …   Wikipedia

  • Computer-assisted proof — A computer assisted proof is a mathematical proof that has been at least partially generated by computer. Most computer aided proofs to date have been implementations of large proofs by exhaustion of a mathematical theorem. The idea is to use a… …   Wikipedia

  • Coalition-proof Nash equilibrium — The concept of coalition proof Nash equilibrium applies to certain noncooperative environments in which players can freely discuss their strategies but cannot make binding commitments [1]. It emphasizes the immunization to deviations that are… …   Wikipedia

  • Living Proof (film) — Infobox Film name = Living Proof caption = director = Dan Ireland producer = Neil Meron, Craig Zadan, Renée Zellweger, Vivienne Radkoff, Sony Pictures Television writer = Vivienne Radkoff, Robert Bazell starring = Harry Connick, Jr. music =… …   Wikipedia

  • Death Proof — Boulevard de la mort Boulevard de la mort La Dodge Charger modèle 1970 R/T Magnum 440 Le deuxième bolide de « Stuntman Mike » Titre original Death p …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Death Proof (Grindhouse) (film) — Boulevard de la mort Boulevard de la mort La Dodge Charger modèle 1970 R/T Magnum 440 Le deuxième bolide de « Stuntman Mike » Titre original Death p …   Wikipédia en Français

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