experienced worker

experienced worker
лицо, имеющее трудовой стаж

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "experienced worker" в других словарях:

  • Worker cooperative — A worker coperative is a cooperative owned and democratically controlled by its employees. There are no outside or consumer owners in a worker coperative only the workers own shares of the business.Definition of worker cooperativeThere are many… …   Wikipedia

  • Young worker safety and health — Around the world, nearly 250 million children, about one in every six children aged 5 to 17, are involved in child labor. cite web|url= http://www.who.int/occupational health/topics/childlabour/en/ |title= Hazardous child labour |accessdate=2007… …   Wikipedia

  • Foreign worker — See also: expatriate Foreign farm worker, New York A foreign worker is a person who works in a country other than the one of which he or she is a citizen. The term migrant worker as discussed in the migrant worker page is used in a particular UN… …   Wikipedia

  • Migrant worker — Migrant workers in California, 1935 Legal status of persons Concepts …   Wikipedia

  • Community health worker — Community health workers (CHW) are members of a community who are chosen by community members or organizations to provide basic health and medical care to their community. Other names for this type of health care provider include village health… …   Wikipedia

  • The Miracle Worker — is a cycle of 20th century dramatic works derived from Helen Keller s autobiography The Story of My Life . Each of the various dramas describe the relationship between Keller a deafblind and initially almost feral child and Anne Sullivan, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Two by Twos — Prominent early preachers (left to right): William Gill, William Irvine, and George Walker Classification Protestant Polity Episcopal Geographical areas …   Wikipedia

  • Journeyman — Jour ney*man, n.; pl. {Journeymen}. 1. Formerly, a man hired to work by the day; now, commonly, one who has finished an apprenticeship and is a competent worker in a handicraft or trade, but has not received recognition as a master; distinguished …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Journeymen — Journeyman Jour ney*man, n.; pl. {Journeymen}. 1. Formerly, a man hired to work by the day; now, commonly, one who has finished an apprenticeship and is a competent worker in a handicraft or trade, but has not received recognition as a master;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • journeyman — jour|ney|man [ˈdʒə:nimən US ə:r ] n plural journeymen [ mən] old fashioned [Date: 1400 1500; Origin: journey day s work (13 19 centuries) + man] 1.) a trained worker who works for someone else 2.) an experienced worker whose work is acceptable… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • journeyman — jour|ney|man [ dʒɜrnimən ] (plural jour|ney|men [ dʒɜrnimən ] ) noun count OLD FASHIONED 1. ) a worker who has learned a skill and works for a business that belongs to someone else: a journeyman electrician 2. ) an experienced worker whose work… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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