Смотреть что такое "expens" в других словарях:
Matrimonial dispensation — A matrimonial dispensation is the relaxation in a particular case of an impediment prohibiting or annulling a marriage. It may be granted: (a) in favour of a contemplated marriage or to legitimize one already contracted; (b) in secret cases, or… … Wikipedia
Josef Strauss — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Strauss. Josef Strauss Naissance 20& … Wikipédia en Français
Dispensation — • An act whereby in a particular case a lawful superior grants relaxation from an existing law Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Dispensation Dispensation … Catholic encyclopedia
DECARGYRUM — Graece Δεκάργυρον, monetaemaioris species eademqueve cum ea, quae Maiorina dicta, ex leg. 2. Codicis Theodos. Si quis pecun. conflav. vide infra Maiorina. Sic a. appellata est avod decem argenteis minutioribus aestimaretur proindeque sexta… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
expend — v.tr. spend or use up (money, time, etc.). Etymology: ME f. L expendere expens (as EX (1), pendere weigh) … Useful english dictionary
ZDUNSKA WOLA — (Pol. Zduńska Wola), district capital in the province of Lodz, Poland. In 1788 the owners of the town erected at their own expens e a wooden structure to serve as a synagogue to encourage Jewish settlement. Of the 32 families who lived there in… … Encyclopedia of Judaism