
1. прил.;
тж. expendible
1) потребляемый, расходуемый
2) невозвратимый, невосстановимый In a war anything can be expendable - money or gasoline or equipment or most usually men. ≈ Во время войны можно безвозвратно потерять что угодно : деньги и бензин, оборудование и, что бывает чаще, людей. Syn : irrevocable
3) одноразового пользования;
недлительного пользования (о товарах массового потребления)
2. сущ.;
тж. expendible то, что может быть потрачено, израсходовано (расходуемый материал, имущество, потери в живой силе во время военных действий и т.п.) потребляемый, расходуемый - * material /property/ расходуемое имущество - to be * (быстро) расходоваться невозвратимый, невосстановимый - to be * не допускать восстановления (специальное) одноразового применения;
неспасаемый (о ракете и т. п.) - * supplies like pencils and paper запасы таких товаров одноразового употребления, как карандаши и бумага бросовый;
не представляющий ценности (тж. перен. о людях) ;
ими не дорожат, их не берегут (часто о войсках) - their soldiers were * они не считались с потерями в живой силе expendable невозвратимый ~ потребляемый, расходуемый

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "expendable" в других словарях:

  • expendable — ex‧pend‧a‧ble [ɪkˈspendəbl] adjective ACCOUNTING expendable supplies or items are ones of little value. Companies do not have to keep records of who has expendable items, and what they are being used for * * * expendable UK US /ɪkˈspendəbl/… …   Financial and business terms

  • expendable — [ek spen′də bəl, ikspen′də bəl] adj. 1. that can be expended 2. Mil. designating or of equipment or personnel considered worth sacrificing to achieve an objective 3. designating or of a person or thing regarded as worth sacrificing under… …   English World dictionary

  • expendable — I adjective accessory, added, additional, auxiliary, dispensable, disposable, duplicate, excess, excessive, expletive, extra, extraneous, functionless, futile, gratuitous, impotent, inapplicable, inconsequential, ineffectual, inessential,… …   Law dictionary

  • expendable — 1805, from EXPEND (Cf. expend) + ABLE (Cf. able) …   Etymology dictionary

  • expendable — [adj] not important dispensable, disposable, excess, inessential, nonessential, replaceable, superfluous, unimportant;   concepts 546,575 Ant. important, indispensable, necessary, useful …   New thesaurus

  • expendable — ► ADJECTIVE 1) suitable to be used once only; not worth preserving. 2) able to be sacrificed because of little significance when compared to an overall purpose. DERIVATIVES expendability noun expendably adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • Expendable — This article is about James Alan Gardner s science fiction novel. For the video game, see . For the Philip K. Dick short story, see Expendable (short story).infobox Book | name = Expendable title orig = translator = author = James Alan Gardner… …   Wikipedia

  • expendable — 1. adjective a) Able to be expended; not inexhaustible. Oil and other expendable resources are frequently the subject of military disputes. b) Designed for a single use; not reusable. The anti ai …   Wiktionary

  • expendable — [[t]ɪkspe̱ndəb(ə)l[/t]] ADJ GRADED If you regard someone or something as expendable, you think it is acceptable to get rid of them, abandon them, or allow them to be destroyed when they are no longer needed. [FORMAL] Once our services cease to be …   English dictionary

  • expendable — I. adjective Date: 1805 that may be expended: as a. normally used up or consumed in service < expendable supplies like pencils and paper > b. more easily or economically replaced than rescued, salvaged, or protected • expendability noun II. noun… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • expendable — ex|pend|a|ble [ ık spendəbl ] adjective used for describing someone or something that you are willing to get rid of, lose, or allow to be killed because they are no longer useful or necessary: DISPENSABLE: His manager made it clear to him that he …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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