expansion theorem
Смотреть что такое "expansion theorem" в других словарях:
Shannon's expansion — In mathematics, Shannon s expansion or the Shannon decomposition is a method by which a Boolean function can be represented by the sum of two sub functions of the original. While often credited to Claude Elwood Shannon, Boole proved this much… … Wikipedia
Hilbert-Schmidt theorem — In mathematical analysis, the Hilbert Schmidt theorem, also known as the eigenfunction expansion theorem, is a fundamental result concerning compact, self adjoint operators on Hilbert spaces. In the theory of partial differential equations, it is … Wikipedia
Binomial theorem — The binomial coefficients appear as the entries of Pascal s triangle. In elementary algebra, the binomial theorem describes the algebraic expansion of powers of a binomial. According to the theorem, it is possible to expand the power… … Wikipedia
Midy's theorem — In mathematics, Midy s theorem, named after French mathematician E. Midy,[1] is a statement about the decimal expansion of fractions a/p where p is a prime and a/p has a repeating decimal expansion with an even period. If the period of the… … Wikipedia
Central limit theorem — This figure demonstrates the central limit theorem. The sample means are generated using a random number generator, which draws numbers between 1 and 100 from a uniform probability distribution. It illustrates that increasing sample sizes result… … Wikipedia
Karhunen-Loève theorem — In the theory of stochastic processes, the Karhunen Loève theorem (named after Kari Karhunen and Michel Loève) is a representation of a stochastic process as an infinite linear combination of orthogonal functions, analogous to a Fourier series… … Wikipedia
Herbrand's theorem — is a fundamental result of mathematical logic obtained by Jacques Herbrand (1930). [J. Herbrand: Recherches sur la theorie de la demonstration. Travaux de la Societe des Sciences et des Lettres de Varsovie, Class III, Sciences Mathematiques et… … Wikipedia
Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem — Fig.1: Hypothetical spectrum of a bandlimited signal as a function of frequency The Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem, after Harry Nyquist and Claude Shannon, is a fundamental result in the field of information theory, in particular… … Wikipedia
Lagrange inversion theorem — In mathematical analysis, the Lagrange inversion theorem, also known as the Lagrange Bürmann formula, gives the Taylor series expansion of the inverse function of an analytic function. Theorem statementSuppose the dependence between the variables … Wikipedia
Newton's theorem of revolving orbits — Figure 1: An attractive force F(r) causes the blue planet to move on the cyan circle. The green planet moves three times faster and thus requires a stronger centripetal force, which is supplied by adding an attractive inverse cube force. The … Wikipedia
Modularity theorem — In mathematics the modularity theorem (formerly called the Taniyama–Shimura–Weil conjecture and several related names) states that elliptic curves over the field of rational numbers are related to modular forms. Andrew Wiles proved the modularity … Wikipedia