expansion device

expansion device
расширительное (дросселирующее) устройство

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "expansion device" в других словарях:

  • expansion joint — Device in piping designed to allow movement of the pipe caused by the pipe s expansion and contraction …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Expansion bus — An expansion bus is made up of electronic pathways which move information between the code of a computer system, including the CPU and RAM, and peripheral devices. It is a collection of wires and protocols that allows for the expansion of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Expansion card — Example of a PCI Digital I/O Expansion Card. The expansion card (also expansion board, adapter card or accessory card) in computing is a printed circuit board that can be inserted into an expansion slot of a computer motherboard or backplane to… …   Wikipedia

  • expansion tube — A device that converts high pressure liquid refrigerant into low pressure liquid refrigerant (thus lowering its boiling point) before it passes through the evaporator. The expansion valve replaces the thermostatic expansion valve. It is also… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • expansion joint — any device containing one or more bellows used to absorb dimensional changes, such as those caused by thermal expansion or contraction of a pipeline, duct, or vessel …   Mechanics glossary

  • expansion card — noun : a circuit board connecting to a computer motherboard and controlling a peripheral device which expands the capabilities of the computer * * * exˈpansion card 7 [expansion card] (also ˈadd in) noun ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • Expansion Valve —   The device that reduces the pressure of liquid refrigerant thereby cooling it before it enters the evaporator coil in a heat pump …   Energy terms

  • expansion slot — noun (computer) a socket in a microcomputer that will accept a plug in circuit board the PC had three slots for additional memory • Syn: ↑slot • Topics: ↑computer, ↑computing machine, ↑computing device, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • expansion shield — noun : a device for anchoring attachments to masonry or concrete surfaces consisting of a metal insert that is driven into a drilled hole and expanded tightly against the sides of the hole …   Useful english dictionary

  • Video processing expansion card — A Video processing expansion card is a computer expansion card that allows a computer to receive television signals, record video, and/or playback video content. cite web url=http://www.ati.com/products/catalyst/video WhitePaper.pdf title=Video… …   Wikipedia

  • Mobilization Device — AFRM with silver hourglass and 2 Mobilization Awards The Mobilization Device is an award …   Wikipedia

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