Смотреть что такое "exonumia" в других словарях:
Exonumia — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El sustantivo exonumia tiene origen a partir de dos raíces clásicas: exo, significando hacia fuera , y numus, significando moneda , por lo que se podría decir hacia fuera de monedas . En otras palabras, la exonumia… … Wikipedia Español
Exonumia — is the study of coin like objects such as token coins and medals, and other items used in place of legal currency or for commemoration. This includes elongated coins, encased coins, souvenir medallions, tags, badges, counterstamped coins, wooden… … Wikipedia
exonumia — ☆ exonumia [ek΄sə no͞o′mē ə ] n. Numismatics collectible items other than coins or paper money, as medals or tokens exonumist n … English World dictionary
exonumia — A branch of numismatics that includes medals, tokens, and scrip. Although exonumia does not include conventional coins and paper currencies, money with various unusual qualities might be included elongated or encased coins for instance. [What… … Glossary of Art Terms
Exonumia — Die Numismatik (griechisch νομισματική [τέχνη, μάθησις], zu νόμισμα [nómisma, das Gesetzmäßige, das Gültige, die Münze], von νόμος [nómos, das Gesetz, die Gültigkeit]), auch Münzkunde genannt, ist die wissenschaftliche Beschäftigung mit Geld und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Exonumia — L Exonumia est l étude des objets similaires à des pièces telle que les jetons et les médailles, ou d autres objets utilisés à la place de la monnaie légale ou de commémorations. Portail de la numismatique Catégorie … Wikipédia en Français
exonumia — noun plural Etymology: New Latin, from exo + English numismatic + New Latin ia Date: 1962 numismatic items (as tokens, medals, or scrip) other than coins and paper money … New Collegiate Dictionary
exonumia — /ek seuh nooh mee euh, nyooh /, n.pl. items, as tokens or medals, that resemble money but are not intended to circulate as money. [1965 70; EXO + NUM(ISMATIC) + IA] * * * … Universalium
exonumia — noun a) Coinlike objects. b) Study and/or collection of such. Syn: paranumismatica … Wiktionary
exonumia — exo·nu·mia … English syllables
exonumia — ˌeksəˈn(y)ümēə noun plural Etymology: New Latin, from exo + English numismatic + New Latin ia (II) : numismatic items (as tokens, medals, or scrip) other than coins and paper money … Useful english dictionary