existence operator

existence operator
мат. оператор существования

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "existence operator" в других словарях:

  • Existence — For other uses, see Existence (disambiguation). Philosophy …   Wikipedia

  • existence — For the question of why there is something and not nothing, see being . The modern treatment of existence in the theory of quantification is sometimes put by saying that existence is not a predicate. The idea is that the existential quantifier is …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Compact operator — In functional analysis, a branch of mathematics, a compact operator is a linear operator L from a Banach space X to another Banach space Y, such that the image under L of any bounded subset of X is a relatively compact subset of Y. Such an… …   Wikipedia

  • Compact operator on Hilbert space — In functional analysis, compact operators on Hilbert spaces are a direct extension of matrices: in the Hilbert spaces, they are precisely the closure of finite rank operators in the uniform operator topology. As such, results from matrix theory… …   Wikipedia

  • Navier–Stokes existence and smoothness — Millennium Prize Problems P versus NP problem Hodge conjecture Poincaré conjecture Riemann hypo …   Wikipedia

  • Trace operator — In mathematics, the concept of trace operator plays an important role in studying the existence and uniqueness of solutions to boundary value problems, that is, to partial differential equations with prescribed boundary conditions. The trace… …   Wikipedia

  • Normal operator — In mathematics, especially functional analysis, a normal operator on a complex Hilbert space H (or equivalently in a C* algebra) is a continuous linear operator that commutes with its hermitian adjoint N*: Normal operators are important because… …   Wikipedia

  • Semi-elliptic operator — In mathematics mdash; specifically, in the theory of partial differential equations mdash; a semi elliptic operator is a partial differential operator satisfying a positivity condition slightly weaker than that of being an elliptic operator.… …   Wikipedia

  • Pseudo-monotone operator — In mathematics, a pseudo monotone operator from a reflexive Banach space into its continuous dual space is one that is, in some sense, almost as well behaved as a monotone operator. Many problems in the calculus of variations can be expressed… …   Wikipedia

  • existential operator — noun a logical quantifier of a proposition that asserts the existence of at least one thing for which the proposition is true • Syn: ↑existential quantifier • Hypernyms: ↑quantifier, ↑logical quantifier * * * noun or existentia …   Useful english dictionary

  • Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse/Proofs — Existence and Uniqueness =Let A be an m by n matrix over K , where K is either the field of real numbers or the field of complex numbers. Then there is a unique n by m matrix A^+ over K such that: #A A^+A = A #A^+A A^+ = A^+ #(AA^+)^* = AA^+… …   Wikipedia

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