exhaust trail

exhaust trail
след выхлопных газов (двигателя)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "exhaust trail" в других словарях:

  • exhaust trail — …   Useful english dictionary

  • engine-exhaust trail — A cloud that trails an aircraft and is formed by the ejected water from the exhaust of the aircraft engines. It mixes with and saturates, or slightly supersaturates, the air in the wake of the aircraft. The duration of the trails is dependent on… …   Aviation dictionary

  • trail — [trāl] vt. [ME trailen < MFr trailler < VL * tragulare < L tragula, small sledge, dragnet < trahere, to DRAW] 1. a) to drag or let drag behind one, esp. on the ground, etc. b) to bring along behind [trailing exhaust fumes] c) to pull… …   English World dictionary

  • exhaust — Synonyms and related words: abate, ablate, absorb, assimilate, attenuate, avenue, backwash, bankrupt, beat, blackdamp, bleed, bleed white, blow, blow out, blowhole, blunt, breathe, breathe hard, breathe in, breathe out, broach, burden, burn out,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • data exhaust — n. The digitally trackable or storable actions, choices, and preferences that people generate as they go about their daily lives. Example Citations: In Brin s way of thinking, each of our lives is a potential contribution to scientific insight.… …   New words

  • Vapor Trail (disambiguation) — Vapor Trail or Vapour Trail may refer to:* Contrail, condensation trails made by the exhaust of aircraft engines * , a 1989 shooter video game developed by Data East * Vapour Trail , a song by Ride from their 1990 album Nowhere * Vapor Trails ,… …   Wikipedia

  • paperless trail — n. A sequence of electronic files or transactions that document the actions of a person or organization. Example Citation: Consider the mini crisis I dealt with a few weeks ago when one Disney executive let me know by e mail, of course that he… …   New words

  • condensation trail — noun an artificial cloud created by an aircraft; caused either by condensation due to the reduction in air pressure above the wing surface or by water vapor in the engine exhaust • Syn: ↑contrail • Hypernyms: ↑cloud * * * noun : contrail * * *… …   Useful english dictionary

  • vapor trail — Synonyms and related words: backwash, condensation trail, contrail, course, exhaust, line, path, piste, scent, signs, spoor, stream, traces, track, trail, vortex, wake, wash …   Moby Thesaurus

  • aerodynamic trail — A condensation trail formed by adiabatic cooling to saturation (or slightly supersaturation) of air passing over the surfaces of high speed aircraft. Aerodynamic trails form off the tips of wings, propellers, and other points of maximum pressure… …   Aviation dictionary

  • exhausttrail — exhaust trail n. A condensation trail that is visible when water vapor in aircraft exhaust mixes with the air in the vehicle s wake and saturates it. * * * …   Universalium

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