exhaust header

exhaust header
выпускной коллектор

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "exhaust header" в других словарях:

  • exhaust header — Steel tubing connecting pipes between the exhaust ports and the exhaust pipe. Usually a header has been polished to allow for better flow of the exhaust. Also see exhaust manifold …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • header — [1] The action of diving or crashing into something. [2] An exhaust manifold. See headers. The British term is headpipe. [3] A part at the top of another part. [4] Length of pipe or vessel, to which two or more pipe lines are joined, that carries …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • exhaust manifold — The connecting pipes between the exhaust ports of each cylinder and the exhaust pipe. It is usually made of cast iron. Sometimes called the exhaust header but it is usually made of steel tubing …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Exhaust system — Exhaust manifold (chrome plated) on a car engine …   Wikipedia

  • Header — may refer to:* Header (information technology), supplemental data at the beginning of a data block * Header file, a text file used in computer programming (especially in C or C++) * Page header, in printing or typography the material separated… …   Wikipedia

  • header — [hed′ər] n. 1. a person or device that puts heads on pins, nails, rivets, etc. ☆ 2. a machine that takes off the heads of grain and sends them up an inclined plane into a wagon 3. a pipe, tube, etc. that brings together other pipes to direct the… …   English World dictionary

  • exhaust port — [1] The passage in the cylinder head which connects the exhaust valve and the exhaust manifold. The exhaust gases pass through the port to the exhaust manifold or header. [2] On two stroke engines the exhaust port is cut into the cylinder wall… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • header — /hed euhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that removes or puts a head on something. 2. a reaping machine that cuts off and gathers only the heads of the grain. 3. a chamber to which the ends of a number of tubes are connected so that water or steam may …   Universalium

  • header — noun Date: 15th century 1. one that removes heads; especially a grain harvesting machine that cuts off the grain heads and elevates them to a wagon 2. a. a brick or stone laid in a wall with its end toward the face of the wall b. a beam fitted at …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • exhaust pipe — Pipe connecting exhaust manifold or header to the muffler …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • header — head•er [[t]ˈhɛd ər[/t]] n. 1) a person or thing that removes or puts a head on something 2) a reaping machine that cuts off and gathers only the heads of the grain 3) hyd a chamber where tubes are connected so that water or steam may pass freely …   From formal English to slang

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