- executory bequest
- завещание будущих прав на движимость
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
executory bequest — The bequest of a future, deferred, or contingent interest in personalty … Black's law dictionary
executory bequest — The bequest of a future, deferred, or contingent interest in personalty … Black's law dictionary
executory bequest — A testamentary gift of personal property on a contingency after an absolute gift to another. Robinson v Harris, 73 SC 469, 53 SE 755 … Ballentine's law dictionary
executory — ex·ec·u·to·ry /ig ze kyə ˌtōr ē/ adj: designed or of such a nature as to be performed in the future or to take effect on a future contingency cancellation of the executory portion of the contract J. J. White and R. S. Summers compare contingent… … Law dictionary
bequest — be·quest /bi kwest/ n: an act of bequeathing; also: something bequeathed: legacy de·mon·stra·tive bequest /di män strə tiv /: a bequest of a particular amount of money or property to be distributed first from one source in the estate and then… … Law dictionary
Bequest — A bequest is the act of giving (not the act of receiving) property by will.[1] Strictly, bequest is used of personal property, and devise of real property. In legal terminology, bequeath is a verb form meaning to make a bequest. (From Old English … Wikipedia
executory — /agzekyatoriy/ That which is yet to be fully executed or performed; that which remains to be carried into operation or effect; incomplete; depending upon a future performance or event. The opposite of executed. As to executory bequest executory… … Black's law dictionary
executory — /agzekyatoriy/ That which is yet to be fully executed or performed; that which remains to be carried into operation or effect; incomplete; depending upon a future performance or event. The opposite of executed. As to executory bequest executory… … Black's law dictionary
bequest — /bakwest/ A gift (transfer) by will of personal property; a legacy. Disposition of realty in will is termed devise. See also charitable bequest demonstrative bequest devise general bequest legacy … Black's law dictionary
bequest — /bakwest/ A gift (transfer) by will of personal property; a legacy. Disposition of realty in will is termed devise. See also charitable bequest demonstrative bequest devise general bequest legacy … Black's law dictionary
conditional bequest — In a will, a gift that will occur only if a stated condition is met. For example, a will clause that says I give my house to my daughter Sarah if she is married. Category: Wills, Trusts & Estates → Wills Nolo’s Plain English Law Dictionary.… … Law dictionary